[Fiware-cloud] Fw: [Fiware-wpl] Fw: Guidelines for the creation of the Architecture

Alex Glikson GLIKSON at il.ibm.com
Sun Mar 10 20:47:39 CET 2013

FYI, I've uploaded a consolidated version of the Cloud chapter 
architecture to the 'cockpit'.
Once the architecture of I2ND chapter is ready, we will need to proceed 
with a review.


Alex Glikson
Manager, Cloud Operating System Technologies, IBM Haifa Research Lab
http://w3.haifa.ibm.com/dept/stt/cloud_sys.html | 
Email: glikson at il.ibm.com | Phone: +972-4-8281085 | Mobile: 
+972-54-6466667 | Fax: +972-4-8296112

----- Forwarded by Alex Glikson/Haifa/IBM on 10/03/2013 09:45 PM -----

From:   Alex Glikson/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL
To:     Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es>, Miguel Carrillo <mcp at tid.es>, 
"Fasse, Axel" <axel.fasse at sap.com>, "Leidig, Torsten" 
<torsten.leidig at sap.com>, 
Cc:     "fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu" <fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu>, 
"fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu" <fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu>
Date:   10/03/2013 09:23 PM
Subject:        [Fiware-wpl] Fw:  Guidelines for the creation of the 
Sent by:        fiware-wpl-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu

Cloud architecture is ready for peer review. 


Alex Glikson
Manager, Cloud Operating System Technologies, IBM Haifa Research Lab
http://w3.haifa.ibm.com/dept/stt/cloud_sys.html | 
Email: glikson at il.ibm.com | Phone: +972-4-8281085 | Mobile: 
+972-54-6466667 | Fax: +972-4-8296112

----- Forwarded by Alex Glikson/Haifa/IBM on 10/03/2013 09:18 PM ----- 

From:        Miguel Carrillo <mcp at tid.es> 
To:        "fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu" <fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu>, 
"fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu" <fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu>, 
Date:        05/03/2013 12:23 PM 
Subject:        [Fiware-wpl] Guidelines for the creation of the 
Sent by:        fiware-wpl-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu 

Dear all, 
Let us condensate the procedure for the Architecture review in one 
The calendar is the one agreed yesterday in the WPL/WPA call: 
1.        First draft of contributions by chapter ready for peer review: 
end of February 
2.        .docx first version of chapter ready by March 8 
3.        Comments on first draft (.docx with traced changes) due by March 
4.        .docx second version of chapters ready for peer review: March 
5.        Comments on second draft due by April 2nd 
6.        Final version: April 10th 
As you surely recall, the guidelines for the Architecture doc are under: 

The process will be like reflected on the FI-WARE Architecture peer-review 
·         We can use any wiki in each chapter but we need to have all the 
pages of each chapter on the same wiki for the docx generation. It sounds 
painful but believe me, it is not thanks to the tools provided by Thorsten 
and his team. Do not change this until you receive a separate message that 
I will send with more details later today. 
·         Each WPL will generate a docx document per chapter (SAP will 
provide support to the doc generation if needed). 
o   Upload the generated doc to ?FI-WARE private? project -> Docs -> 
folder ??Peer reviews? -> subfolder ?Architecture Review? 
o   Add the link to the doc to the cockpit 
o   Further instructions here: 

·         The document from a given chapter will be taken by the reviewers 
in charge of reviewing it  using  the link in the cockpit 
·         The WPL of the chapter that reviews it will make sure that it is 
reviewed before the deadline. Up to him how to organize it internally. 
·         All the reviewers of a WP receive the same document but each one 
suggests changes for the GE (or GEs) they review. There is a line per GE, 
up to each WP to merge them or use them separately. Once finished, they 
will upload their reviews to the right folder: 
o   ?FI-WARE private? project -> Docs -> folder ??Peer reviews? -> 
subfolder ?Architecture Review? 
o   The link (or links if more than one) to the doc (or docs) will be 
added to the cockpit 
·         Each WPL will analyse with his team the comments provided and 
will generate a new version of the chapter docx to be further reviewed. 
The new version should be available on the deliverable cockpit.  Note that 
from this point on, chapter should drive further updates on the Word 
document, instead of any temporary wiki 
·         The reviewers will have a second round of comments. 
·         The final version will be generated for delivery. At this point, 
we will merge the contributions from all chapters (it is a single 
monolithic deliverable) and send it to the EC. 
·         Chapter leaders will then coordinate updates of the public wiki 
to align with the Word document that was submitted to the EC 
This is the assignment: 

Chapter to be reviewed 
Reviewing chapter 

Best regards, 
    _/          _/_/                     Miguel Carrillo Pacheco
   _/   _/     _/  _/   Telefónica       Distrito Telefónica 
  _/ _/_/_/   _/   _/   Investigación y  Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 4 
 _/   _/     _/  _/     Desarrollo       Ronda de la Comunicación S/N 
_/          _/_/                         28050 Madrid (Spain) 
                                         Tel:  (+34) 91 483 26 77 

                                         e-mail: mcp at tid.es

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