Hi, I 'm afraid I won't be able to attend today's FIWare-data weekly confcall. However for your info, Orange latest input to the high level spec document was a review of the security issues document: Boris Security aspects IBM+TIrevOL.docx Which I assumed was the latest viiew on security issues, as it was the only document with the keyword "security" in the title. Basically, we agree on the main points already addressed in the document and made some additions and completion. This review has been uploaded as document (dated friday july 1 2011): Boris Security aspects IBM+TIrevOL.docx in the D2.2/contribs directory. I informed Juanjo on this new contribution just after having uploaded the revision document (last friday evening). I don't know if Juanjo integrated it in the master document. Kind regards, Fano ________________________________ De : fiware-data-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-data-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] De la part de Guy Sharon Envoyé : dimanche 3 juillet 2011 21:15 À : fiware-data at lists.fi-ware.eu Objet : Re: [Fiware-data] Minutes of Data/Context Management WP weekly follow-up confcall 11-07-01 The document I commented on with my comments are in the following link since 26th June https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/9/205/FI-WARE+High-Level+Desc+Data-Context+v2.0+11-06-22+valid+until+11-06-24+comments+Guy.doc <https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/9/205/FI-WARE+High-Level+Desc+Data-Context+v2.0+11-06-22+valid+until+11-06-24+comments+Guy.doc> 1. Regarding security - no comment in the document as the trustworthy point covers the ones I suggested 2. Big Data - the document includes my comments to this 3. Intelligent Service - my comments are not there as I sent a separate document which i didnt upload but did now here: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/9/227/FI-WARE+High-Level+Description+11-06-1+v0.2+Intelligent+Services+comments+Guy.doc <https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/9/227/FI-WARE+High-Level+Description+11-06-1+v0.2+Intelligent+Services+comments+Guy.doc> 4. My comment below on Boris's changes to data\context\event are on based on the document here: (didnt do updates to this just commented in this email) https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/9/214/Boris+Definition+of+data-context-event+structure+TID%2BIBM%2BTI_to_check_with_Juanjo_if_last.doc <https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/9/214/Boris+Definition+of+data-context-event+structure+TID%2BIBM%2BTI_to_check_with_Juanjo_if_last.doc> Guy Sharon Manager Event-based Middleware & Solutions Group ________________________________ <http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet> Event-based Middleware & Solutions <http://www.haifa.il.ibm.com/dept/services/soms_ebs.html> phone : +972 4 8296587 mobile : +972 54 6976417 address : IBM R&D Labs in Israel, Haifa University Campus, Mount Carmel, Haifa, 31905, Israel email : guysh at il.ibm.com <mailto:guysh at il.ibm.com> From: Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es> To: fiware-data at lists.fi-ware.eu Date: 03/07/2011 21:11 Subject: Re: [Fiware-data] Minutes of Data/Context Management WP weekly follow-up confcall 11-07-01 Sent by: fiware-data-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu ________________________________ Dear Guy, My comments between lines of your message ... On 03/07/11 19:55, Guy Sharon wrote: Hi, * Guy produced a description of some security topics to be included in the "Question Marks" section some time ago. He will review the current content of the "Security aspects" subsection in "Question Marks" and will determine if some additional entries can/should be added. I looked at this last week and commented - my topics were around trust (more detailed) and the current content includes this as one bullet - DONE * I did put some additional comments in an earlier version regarding: 1. "Data event refers to event objects handled by the CEP GE or the Publish/Subscribe Broker GE that are wrapping a data element, while context events refer to event objects handled by the CEP GE or the Publish/Subscribe Broker GE that are wrapping a context element" - Why do we need to express this? Is there a distinction between the two for handling the event? From CEP point of view there is no importance and this might just confuse more than anything 2. I also disagree with TI latest comments on the data\context\event definition document saying... "An event is a particular case of the context element that does not have the EntityId and EntityType components" - event is an event that can stand on its own - why tie it to context as a particular case - this is too restrictive and for the world of events mean absolutely nothing. We say that structure wise it can be from data or context element so why say its a particular case of context. It for the structure but for the semantics it is of no importance see point (1) above 3. Topics under discussion - I added 2 for which the second one I will provide a few paragraphs of discussion on Monday Internal GE communication The method of communication with GEs is under discussion whether it is proprietary and therefore be optimized or standard (perhaps using the same interfaces we expect data be accessible to the Context and Data Management and vise versa. For example, what is the method of communication between the Massive Data Gathering GEs and the Processing GEs. What is the method of communication between GEs and the storage for accessing or writing? And how do the processing GEs communicate with the Pub/Sub GE. When to use BigData and CEP GEs? Still in discussion are the circumstances for use of one of these or even both. The programming paradigm may be different and useful for different cases. The requirements of processing such as latency, amount of data or nature of the processing logic may imply what GE to use. All this is to be clearly described and a set of best practices and rules of thumb to be produced to assist developers. Have you uploaded these contributions somewhere on the FusionForge server ? Please let me know. * Guy will review the new draft of section on BigData Analysis in the new version of the chapter uploaded to the server Juanjo will check the status with Guy off-line. - My comments are based on the 11/6 version of the chapter - I have not seen in FusionForge any new version - is it still to come? Yes, it is still to come. Please leave your comments somewhere on the server so that I can review and integrate them. Thanks, -- Juanjo Regards, Guy Sharon Manager Event-based Middleware & Solutions Group ________________________________ <http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet> Event-based Middleware & Solutions <http://www.haifa.il.ibm.com/dept/services/soms_ebs.html> phone : +972 4 8296587 mobile : +972 54 6976417 address : IBM R&D Labs in Israel, Haifa University Campus, Mount Carmel, Haifa, 31905, Israel email : guysh at il.ibm.com <mailto:guysh at il.ibm.com> From: Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es> <mailto:jhierro at tid.es> To: "fiware-data at lists.fi-ware.eu" <mailto:fiware-data at lists.fi-ware.eu> <fiware-data at lists.fi-ware.eu> <mailto:fiware-data at lists.fi-ware.eu> Date: 01/07/2011 17:08 Subject: [Fiware-data] Minutes of Data/Context Management WP weekly follow-up confcall 11-07-01 Sent by: fiware-data-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu <mailto:fiware-data-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> ________________________________ Hi all, These are the quick minutes taken during our weekly follow-up confcall. Attendees Peter et al (Siemens) Fano (Orange) Boris (TI) Juanjo (TID) Topics addressed / actions: Juanjo remind that all final contributions to the chapter should be uploaded under the contribs folder pending from the D2.2 folder of the FI-WARE data project docman system in FusionForge. This would be very helpful to avoid problems during the final integration. Global integration has not yet started because all time has been spent reviewing the different chapters. Juanjo mentioned that a careful revision of the IoT Service Enablement chapter has been carried out by him to avoid that content of that chapter do not enter in contradiction but complements what has been defined in the Data/Context Management chapter. People may check the results of that revision looking at the contribs folder of the FI-WARE project in FusionForge (there is a file per chapter): Just for the knowledge of the whole group: * a consolidated draft of the FI-WARE High-level Description deliverable will be sent to the UC projects by monday night. * the deliverable will be offically released by mid July (already announced to the Commission Then, we reviewed the actions agreed during our last confcall. The following actions were agreed during the confcall: * Peter will review the contribution of Telecom Italia on multimedia analysis and will integrate in the description of the multimedia analysis GE those points that he believes will not be controversial. He will develop a paragraph (or several if it is appropriate to do so) in the "Topics still under discussion" of the "Question Marks" section for those points that he finds cannot be yet incorporated and require further discussion. The current draft of the chapter you can download from the FI-WARE project (folder FI-WARE deliverables-> D2.2. FI-WARE High-level Description->D2.2 contribs) contains the description of topics related to Security that could serve as a reference example and guide how to write contributions to the "Topics still under discussion" section. I would kindly ask Peter to provide a revised version of the section by Tuesday June 29, EOB (it would be preferable that it be available on Monday, but can wait until Tuesday) Done. Files uploaded to the server. * * Guy will review the new draft of section on BigData Analysis in the new version of the chapter uploaded to the server Juanjo will check the status with Guy off-line. * All should review the description of the different GEs and identify potential topics to be described in the "Topics still under discussion" or "Security aspects" subsections of the "Question Marks" section. Again, entries already there in the "Security aspects" section can serve as reference examples of the kind of content we intend to have there. As explained in one of the emails I sent to all WPLs and forwarded to you, you may think about interdedependencies with another WPs as one valid "heuristic" to identify topics. Others can be related to points you believe cannot be considered yet closed. Deadline for sending contributions to the "Question Marks" section is Tuesday June 29, 19:00 Boris had already produced a contribution on Security aspects. Everyone is entitled to contribute to this section. Don't forget we don't need to provide input for the Security aspects section. * Guy produced a description of some security topics to be included in the "Question Marks" section some time ago. He will review the current content of the "Security aspects" subsection in "Question Marks" and will determine if some additional entries can/should be added. Boris has produced a contribution that will be considered for the draft version of the deliverable to be sent to UC projects In addition to revision of actions from our last call: * Boris mentioned that TI has contributed a proposal on the section describing the Location GE. They feel confident this new version will allow accomodation of the Thales asset and the TI asset but still haven't had time to discuss with Thales. Juanjo will review Boris's contribution during the weekend and wll take a decision. If he considers it risky, then will ask Boris to produce some paragraph we may add to the "Question Marks" section under the "Topics still under discussion" * Juanjo mentioned that he wants to review the description of the Publish/Subscribe broker GE so that it doesn't only cover requirements but really describe entities and how these entities interact each other by means of invoking operations they export. He will try to get it ready by monday early in the morning so that Boris can review it on monday and send a revised version once he finishes his traveling on monday (monday EOB) Nothing else in my opinion. If anyone believes I have missed something or disagree with what I have summarized here, please let me know. Best regards, -- Juanjo ________________________________ Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico en el enlace situado más abajo. This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. 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