[Fiware-data] Fwd: RE: Peer review of the IoT and Data/Context Management chapters

Guy Sharon GUYSH at il.ibm.com
Tue Jul 12 13:28:06 CEST 2011


The context in CEP has been discussed with Juanjo and also discussed was 
the difference between this and the context management GE.
The only thing that is the same is the term not its meaning
Context in the CEP is defined as "Context is a named specification of 
conditions that groups event instances so that they can be processed in a 
related way."
It also has nothing to do with an entity.
It is part of the programming language of CEP to define the context in 
which event processing logic executes:
For example: detecting a sequence of Buy and Sell events
The context maybe during the day from 8 until 17 or from the opening of 
the trading until close (those last are events and not absolute time)
The context could also (doesnt have to) say something about how to group 
these events based on some attribute value they all agree on (such as the 
same Stock or the same Customer or that they both have the same Price)

As I see this - there is no need to connect the two GEs processing wise - 
there is need to connect them where by events can contextually be 
published or subscribed to.

Your thoughts....?

Guy Sharon
Event-based Middleware & Solutions Group

Event-based Middleware & Solutions

phone : 
+972 4 8296587
mobile : 
+972 54 6976417
address : 
IBM R&D Labs in Israel, Haifa University Campus, Mount Carmel, Haifa, 
31905, Israel
email : 
guysh at il.ibm.com

From:   Moltchanov Boris <boris.moltchanov at telecomitalia.it>
To:     "fiware-data at lists.fi-ware.eu" <fiware-data at lists.fi-ware.eu>
Date:   12/07/2011 13:47
Subject:        Re: [Fiware-data] Fwd: RE: Peer review of the IoT and 
Data/Context    Management chapters
Sent by:        fiware-data-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu

Dear All,
Please find attached the document (integrated to the Guy?s version) where 
I have:
-          Corrected some grammar mistakes (tracked);
-          Make couple of comments one addressed to complex event 
processor (Guy) where I missed integration with the context management (I 
believe very important, sorry for being so late, we have to resolve it 
before issue of this document in public) and another one regarding 
mentioning of Telefonica (TID) development and related style (for Juanjo);
-          Then I have answered Orange Lab?s comments for my competence 
and some comments for my point of view, to be integrated with competent 
answers by appropriate/respective authors/experts.
The document is made available under review session of our WP docman under 
the link 
in order to avoid your (additional J) complains about the mail saturation. 
Juanjo please consider this document for integration of changes/comments 
and provide then the document to Orange Labs people (reviewer) or enable 
her/him access to our private WP folders and files. Thanks!
Best Regards,
From: fiware-data-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [
mailto:fiware-data-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of Guy Sharon
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 9:26 AM
To: fiware-data at lists.fi-ware.eu
Subject: Re: [Fiware-data] Fwd: RE: Peer review of the IoT and 
Data/Context Management chapters
On the CEP GE I answered some comments in bold - only one I would actually 
do something in the text 

Guy Sharon 
Event-based Middleware & Solutions Group 

Event-based Middleware & Solutions 

phone : 
+972 4 8296587 
mobile : 
+972 54 6976417 
address : 
IBM R&D Labs in Israel, Haifa University Campus, Mount Carmel, Haifa, 
31905, Israel 
email : 
guysh at il.ibm.com

From:        Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es> 
To:        "fiware-data at lists.fi-ware.eu" <fiware-data at lists.fi-ware.eu> 
Date:        11/07/2011 08:26 
Subject:        [Fiware-data] Fwd: RE: Peer review of the IoT and 
Data/Context        Management chapters 
Sent by:        fiware-data-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu 

 A first input from the review carried by members of the IoT chapter.

 I haven't processed the information.   I'm just fowarding it to you as 
soon as I have received it.  Therefore, I don't have any opinion/feedback 
to provide on my side yet.   I hope to hear about yours.

 Best regards,

-- Juanjo

-------- Original Message -------- 

RE: Peer review of the IoT and Data/Context Management chapters 
Mon, 11 Jul 2011 00:47:51 +0200 
thierry.nagellen at orange-ftgroup.com <thierry.nagellen at orange-ftgroup.com> 
JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA <jhierro at tid.es>, "lorant.farkas at nsn.com" 
<lorant.farkas at nsn.com>

Hi Juanjo

Here is my review of the data and context management part.

My first comment is that there is no description of the architecture in 
the way that you have some arrows on the first pictures and no one are 
explained so you have a collection of GE but we do not know how they work 
together. And there is no comment on the relationships with the other WP. 
I found once a reference to WSN just to write that the GE could be used in 
this environment. This is really weak for some GE which are previously 
named "Support Services".

My second comment is that what you call "high-level standard context 
wrappers" are not related to context but are some specific cases of 
data-mining for dedicated use-cases (social networks, opinion, 
mobility...) The concrete GE is toolbox for Data and Events mining but you 
cannot keep some dedicated applications in this way in data & context 

My third comment is that we are describing, for this first version, a 
high-level architecture. In this part, we have partners who have described 
their tools without any efforts to adapt vocabulary. I'm really not happy 
to have pushed IoT team to work on a generic architecture with clear 
functionalities (and everybody did the job) and to find partners assets as 
part of the architecture in Data & Context management WP. Some of the 
descriptions are dealing with API and you expect that the Usage Area 
projects with partners which are not ICT oriented, will agree with this 
kind of description?

In the same way, the unique selling points are sometimes dedicated to 
developers directly and not really for the stakeholder as ASP for example.

Regarding more specifically the question marks with IoT, the CEP refers to 
the "Event Processing in Action" a book which is not in the list of 
reference. The approach is too much related to a defined sequence of 
actions which is a static view and does not take into account cross-domain 
activities (which is the baseline of the PPP FI itself) because this 
approach is a silo-approach. You have to know the processes in your silo 
to be able to prepare the right rules. CEP and pub/sub mechanisms are 
fully complementary because pub/sub with no official broker but datamarket 
places will propose the relevant openness to share data through several 
silos. The GE Big Data should be very relevant for that. I don't know if 
people who have described CEP are aware of physical pub/sub routers when 
you don't need a broker. We need this kind of networks for IoT and we 
should replace these real routers by middleware hosted in different places 
and our gateways are one of these places.
Another point is that nothing is explained regarding multi-brokers systems 
and how it is possible to build a whole process through their environments 
and their knowledge of published data.

We can discuss all these issues tomorrow morning but we have also to other 
partners who will provide some comments on this part for Wednesday 



-----Message d'origine-----
De : Juanjo Hierro [mailto:jhierro at tid.es] 
Envoyé : vendredi 8 juillet 2011 14:22
À : NAGELLEN Thierry RD-BIZZ-SOP; Farkas, Lorant (NSN - HU/Budapest)
Cc : jhierro >> "Juan J. Hierro"
Objet : Peer review of the IoT and Data/Context Management chapters

Hi Thierry and Lorant,

  We hadn't contact to sync on how we are planning to orchestrate the 
peer-review of the IoT and Data/Context Management chapters ...

  I can tell you that, on the side of the Data/Context Management chapter, 
we will carry out a peer review of it and provide comments by
Monday EOB as planned.   This peer review will mostly involve other
members of the Data/Context Management WP since I already did my peer 
review as you know :-)

  Regarding review of our chapter by you, I want to let you know in 
advance that we plan to update the section dealing with the description of 
the Publish/Subscribe Broker GE and the Semantic-related GEs ... They 
should be delivered in an update to you by monday, around 11:00am ... so
you may leave review of these sections to the very end ...   When do you
plan to have it ready ?   I believe we can relaxed a bit the milestone
(monday EOB) to be tuesday 12:00pm so that you have the necessary time to 
review the updates on these sections.

  Looking forward your feedback,

-- Juanjo

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