[Fiware-data] Confcall at 13:30 on Semantics

Juanjo Hierro jhierro at tid.es
Mon Jun 13 12:09:30 CEST 2011


   Just to make sure we arrive with the right expectations to the
confcall scheduled at 13:30pm.

   What I expect is that ATOS will elaborate on their proposal regarding
this matter.    It would be nice that they can provide us with some
hints on how they envision their proposed GEs could be integrated with
the rest of GEs we have in this chapter.

   I hope that we will have a webex session ready for that time, but I
have to confess that I haven't still received the electronic invitation
(despite I asked for it last friday :-(

   We would use the powwownow bridge:

   PIN: 050662

   Dial-in phone numbers in the attachment


-- Juanjo

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