[Fiware-data] TR: [Fiware-iot] NGSI mailing list

fano.ramparany at orange.com fano.ramparany at orange.com
Wed Jan 4 15:38:20 CET 2012




De : fiware-iot-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-iot-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] De la part de Farkas, Lorant (NSN - HU/Budapest)
Envoyé : mercredi 4 janvier 2012 15:31
À : fiware-iot at lists.fi-ware.eu
Objet : Re: [Fiware-iot] NGSI mailing list


Dear All,

I modify my request: please be aware of the mailing list http://lists.fi-ware.eu/listinfo/fiware-ngsi <http://lists.fi-ware.eu/listinfo/fiware-ngsi>  and subscribe in case you are interested/concerned by it or unsubscribe if you think you should not be on it.

Thanks & Br,


From: Farkas, Lorant (NSN - HU/Budapest)
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 3:15 PM
To: 'fiware-iot at lists.fi-ware.eu'
Subject: NGSI mailing list

Dear All,

Can you send me by EOB tomorrow names who are interested in the IoT group to be on the NGSI interest list, fiware-ngsi at lists.fiware.eu <mailto:fiware-ngsi at lists.fiware.eu>  beyond the colleagues mentioned in the e-mail from Juanjo?

 << Message: [Fiware-ngsi] Launching mailing list dedicated to discussion on NGSI interfaces in FI-WARE >> 

Thierry: maybe also Laurent or Laurence?

Martin, Ernö: maybe also Tobias, Salvatore?

Stephan: you mentioned 3 colleagues would be interested, who are they?

Thanks & Br,


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