From sergg at Fri May 3 14:46:19 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Fri, 03 May 2013 12:46:19 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] FW: Backlog - Items Identifiers available
In-Reply-To: <65CDBE2E7E5A964BB8BC5F4328FDE90B89049AB5@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
References: <65CDBE2E7E5A964BB8BC5F4328FDE90B89049AB5@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D86589D62@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Dear partners,
In order to provide structure to the backlog, Manuel requests to define the hierarchy of the backlog items Epic->Feature->User Story. This should be evident through the naming schema (e.g.: FIWARE.UserStory.Chapter.GE.EpicName.FeatureName.UserStoryName). However, in many cases we didn't provide the names following that schema.
In order to provide that information to Manuel I have created an Excel Sheet where you can easily provide that information. Some instructions:
1. Open the attached file and go to the sheet that corresponds to your GE by name.
2. For each user story, in green , go to column "Parent Feature/Epic" and select from the drop down list the "parent" feature, if any.
3. For each feature, in red, go to column "Parent Feature/Epic" and select from the drop down list the "parent" epic, if any.
4. Save the file and send it back to me.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
From: fiware-wpl-bounces at [mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at] On Behalf Of MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 9:15 AM
To: fiware-wpl at; fiware-wpa at
Subject: [Fiware-wpl] Backlog - Items Identifiers available
Dear WP Leaders,
According to the issue raised by Thorsten regarding the degree the original naming convention has been followed for the backlog items, there's need to check whether the identifiers have followed the naming rules properly - as agreed on last weekly management meeting.
In order to easy the process, I've uploaded spreadsheets for each chapter where you can find all identifiers.
They are available at FI-WARE Private - Docs. From now on, I'll upload reviews, snapshots, and dashboards there .
In those files, there's a column with all identifiers, my suggestion on how to proceed is the following:
1. Order the items according to their actual hierarchy and provide the output to me
2. I'll analyse the files in order to get a quantifier showing the degree the original naming rules have been followed.
3. Once we get the big picture, we can discuss on how to overcome the actual situation.
If anything, please, don't hesitate to let me know.
Kind regards,
Manuel Escriche Vicente
Agile Project Manager/Leader
FI-WARE Initiative
Telef?nica Digital
Parque Tecnol?gico
C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10
47151 - Boecillo
Valladolid - Spain
Tfno: +34.91.312.99.72
Fax: +34.983.36.75.64
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From mach at Sat May 4 12:26:21 2013
From: mach at (Marti Christof (mach))
Date: Sat, 4 May 2013 10:26:21 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] WP6 State of the Art Analysis - your contributions
until Monday 6.5. evening
Message-ID: <>
Hi all
As Sergio has announced at the last call we have to deliver an updated State of the Art Analysis ? Emerging Technologies (Deliverable D.2.6.2).
I have taken the job to organize the work an edit the final document for WP6.
Some clarification about the focus and form of the document from Miguel:
> The focus of this document is twofold:
> * What there is out there (current situation)
> * What it is going to be there (trends, foreseable future)
> We must say what innovations we offer in each chapter and how it compares
> with other research projects or products on the market.
> Referenced research projects do not necessarily mean FP7 or PPP related,
> not even subsidised. Please avoid a document where 80% of the text is a long list
> of project subsidised by the EC or national authorities. Subsidised research can
> be mentioned (must, if it is relevant) but let us avoid a narrow view.
Sergio and I prepared the base structure in the attached document. The idea is to follow the data lifecycle from creation/generation, information types/formats, over Data Storage, Data Integration (enrichment/transformation), Data communication to Data Analysis.
We already filled in the available content from the DoW and some other sources. But there are still missing pieces and the available content has to be revised and updated with current and emerging technologies.
To fill the gaps we need your domain specific knowledge and contributions. We'd like to distribute the work according to the following list. The responsible partner is also mentioned in the section title in the document.
1.1 Context Location Information: TID (add content about NGSI)
1.1.1 Location Information: Thales (available/emerging location information formats, ...)
1.1.2 Web information: Telecom Italia (available/emerging web formats, types, metadata, ...)
1.1.3 Multimedia information: Siemens (available/emerging media formats, metadata, ...)
1.2 Data Storage
1.2.1 Big-Data/Distributed Storage: TID
1.2.2 Media Storage: Siemens
1.3 Data Integration
1.3.1 Semantic Web technologies: Atos
1.3.2 Mediation and Data-Metadata Transformation: Siemens
1.4 Data Communication: ZHAW
1.5 Data Analysis
1.5.1 Batch Data Analysis: TID
1.5.2 Data Stream Management: IBM
I guess/hope you already have some state of the art of the area you are working in.
So it should not be to difficult to update it and add it to the section in the attached document.
- Please keep the change tracking enabled.
- Please also add a short section about how the topics are addressed in FI-WARE.
- If you can deliver something in an other section of the document feel free to add it there also.
- If you miss a chapter or topic we should address, let us know.
Because we have to deliver the document upstream on Tuesday 7. May, I need your contributions already until this Monday 6.5. evening.
I will continuously integrate your contributions in the final document.
Best regards
Christof Marti
InIT Cloud Computing Lab - ICCLab
Institut of Applied Information Technology - InIT
Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW
School of Engineering
P.O.Box, CH-8401 Winterthur
Office:TD O3.18, Obere Kirchgasse 2
Phone: +41 58 934 70 63
Mail: mach at
Skype: christof-marti
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From sergg at Mon May 6 10:12:42 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Mon, 06 May 2013 08:12:42 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] Review of Unit Testing Plans
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D8658A6D5@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Dear partners,
Find herewith a review of the unit testing plans. The following partners have pending actions: Tanguy/Alain, Marcus, Thomas, Peter, Mauricio and Christof/Jaime (Kiara).
Please, have a look at the review, Miguel comments in red, my comments in the next column, and fix the requested issues and/or send me an email with proper explanations or any doubt you could have.
Please, do not delay it.
Best Regards,
Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar nuestra pol?tica de env?o y recepci?n de correo electr?nico en el enlace situado m?s abajo.
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From sergg at Mon May 6 10:55:45 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Mon, 06 May 2013 08:55:45 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] User and programmer guide review
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D8658A71B@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Dear partners,
Please find attached the review of the users and programmers guide.
Please, have a look at the Excel sheet where you will find information about what to solve. For most of the cases, it's only requested to add an introduction section.
It shouldn't take more than a while to solve those issues, please don't delay it. Send me an email when you're done or if you have any issue or doubt.
Best Regards,
Sergio Garcia Gomez
Telefonica Digital (TID/PDI) - Enablers & Technology
Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo. Abraham Zacuto, 10.
47151 Boecillo (Valladolid), SPAIN.
E-mail: sergg at
Phone: (+34) 983367709 / (+34) 913129098 (IP)
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From sergg at Mon May 6 12:45:59 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Mon, 06 May 2013 10:45:59 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] FI-WARE: Periodic Report - M13 - M24 (WP6)
In-Reply-To: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D86584495@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
References: <77A22C1085494D48B4018F06A40DB2C72FA07A1D@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D8658A834@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Dear Partners,
According to the plan of the management report, let me remind you that all the partners have to send their current effort according FORMC-C before the end of this week to the coordinator: subsidies at
Best Regards,
From: fiware-data-bounces at [mailto:fiware-data-bounces at] On Behalf Of SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 1:19 PM
To: fiware-data at
Subject: [Fiware-data] FW: FI-WARE: Periodic Report - M13 - M24 (WP6)
Importance: High
Dear partners,
Please, find bellow the instructions and calendar that we have to follow to provide the information for the periodic report of Period 2. Let's make a first round to collect data from each partner, and each of the tasks.
In order to make your work and also mine easier, let's do it in the WP google sheet
For each of the enablers, please, fill in the columns (progress, results, deviations, corrective actions). If there are contributing partners to the GE others than what I mentioned, please add them to the column Other contributors.
As usual, the schedule is tight :( . We talk about it tomorrow during the WP call.
Best Regards,
De: fiware-wpl-bounces at [mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at] En nombre de JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ
Enviado el: lunes, 15 de abril de 2013 23:07
Para: fiware-wpl at; fiware-wpa at
CC: subsidies at
Asunto: [Fiware-wpl] FI-WARE: Periodic Report - M13 - M24
Importancia: Alta
Dear all
As you know we have to deliver the Periodic Report which has to give an overview of the second year of the project (months from M13 (May12) to M24 (Apr13)).
I will kindly ask you in another particularized e-mail to update as WPL the information about your WP.
The schedule is the following:
1. First request of information to WPL with estimated effort per partner: April 15th, 2013
2. Period to request each WPL to each involved partner its contribution to WP: April 16th, 2013 - Apr 19th, 2013
3. Integration of received information from by each WPL: April 22nd, 2013 - May 5th, 2013
4. WPL send first version of his updated report to Coordinator (subsidies at May 6th, 2013
5. Coordinator asks to each partner to update its current effort: April 30th, 2013
6. Each partner sends its current effort according FORM-C 2: May 1st, 2013 - May 10th, 2013
7. Coordinator sends updated data of effort to each WPL: May 15th, 2013
8. Updating of the second version of each report by each WPL: May 16th, 2013 - May 17th, 2013
9. WPL sends final version of his updated report to Coordinator (subsidies at May 17th, 2013
10. Integrating and revision by Coordinator: May 20th, 2013 - May 24th, 2013
11. Coordinator sends the Periodic Report to Project Officer: May 28th, 2013
12. Review: June 10th, 2013
At last but not least, please, I kindly ask you to follow the template in order to have a homogeneous report as a team. In the last review report they said:
[cid:image001.jpg at 01CE4A57.A882FD10]
Thank you in advance.
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From sergg at Tue May 7 09:36:11 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Tue, 07 May 2013 07:36:11 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] FW: [Fiware-wpa] Draft minutes of the last FI-PPP AB
meeting and related URGENT Action Points on Chapter teams and FI-WARE GEi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D8658AEFC@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Dear partners,
Just a forward in case you didn't receive it.
Best Regards,
From: fiware-wpa-bounces at [mailto:fiware-wpa-bounces at] On Behalf Of Juanjo Hierro
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 9:00 AM
To: fiware-wpl at; fiware-wpa at; fiware at; fiware-pcc at
Subject: [Fiware-wpa] Draft minutes of the last FI-PPP AB meeting and related URGENT Action Points on Chapter teams and FI-WARE GEi owners
Dear all,
Last Friday, May 3rd, we celebrated the first FI-PPP AB virtual meeting involving the new projects in phase 2 of the FI-PPP.
You can take a look at the minutes available at:
There are two URGENT Action Points that we have to finalize along this week so I ask for the cooperation of the several FI-WARE chapter teams and GEi owners:
* Updating spreadsheet about "FI-WARE Testbed/GEis planned usage" available at
* All chapter teams have to review the sheets linked "FI-WARE GEi (2nd Release) planned usage in Phase 1/2" if they haven't done so yet and send me their comments so that I can implement the proposed changes:
* @I2ND was going to provide the name of FI-WARE GE and GEis (two first columns) for rows that have to be inserted for the new FI-WARE GEis in 2nd Release
* @Apps was going to provide final feedback on whether it would make sense to split the package linked to Business Framework or not
* Remember that this is to collect info about planned usage by UC projects, that's why it makes sense to have some rows in the sheets linked to packages of GEis / functionalities (e.g., Cloud) than as individual GEis
* Please, don't edit yourself, forward feedback to me through your chapter leader
* VERY IMPORTANT for FI-WARE GEi owners: Proposal on first series of webinars regarding FI-WARE GEis already available for UC projects in the Testbed (or to be available by end of May):
* Deadline: Thursday May 9 EOB.
* You should edit the following spreadsheet in Google docs yourself:
* You just have to provide two alternative dates during the period from May 20th until June 14th. Try to make them in two alternative weeks.
* Note that these webinars are not mandatory for all FI-WARE GEis but strongly recommended for GEis/functionality that can be already demonstrated in the Testbed while in the webinars or at least presented as mockup (e.g., this might be useful for some new Cloud functions)
* You can select your favorite bridge tools. How do you declare the tools you plan to use so that people will connect ? Defining a hashtag
* This will be used as an Id for the bridge/webex details to be provided in sheet "Logistics details"
* It will be referred from the cell associated to the row linked to your GEi and the column "Logistic details" of sheet "FI-WARE GEi (2nd Release) - series of webinars"
* We advise you also to use this hashtag in posts to the @FIware twitter account during the webinar. It may be helpful to collect questions on-line so people do not necessarily interrupt you (you can watch the twitter account and then decide when to answer those questions)
* UC projects will declare their interest to attend the different webinars along the week of May 17th
Please pay attention to this two urgent actions. We believe that their implementation can be rather useful for a successful project review mid June.
Best regards,
-- Juanjo
Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
email: jhierro at
FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
and Chief Architect
You can follow FI-WARE at:
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From mach at Tue May 7 18:37:15 2013
From: mach at (Marti Christof (mach))
Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 16:37:15 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] WP6 State of the Art Analysis - missing
contribution, questions, timeframe?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
Hi all
Attached the current updated version of the WP6- SotA-Document.
This is due today, but we still need some contributions/feedback (ASAP).
I got contributions for
1.1.3 Multimedia Information (Siemens, Peter)
1.2.2 Multimedia Storage (Siemens, Peter)
1.3.1 Mediation and Data-Metadata Transformation (Siemens, Peter)
1.5.1 BigDataBatch Analysis (TID, Francisco)
(Many thanks to Francesco & Peter)
We still miss input about:
1.1 NGSI. (TID , ?)
1.1.1 Location Information (Thales, Alain?)
1.1.2 Web information (Telecom Italia, Boris?)
!!! Any contributions; questions?
- If it is a time problem please declare when you can deliver
- I will add a section to 1.2.1 on BigData Storage tonight.
and we miss feedback/updates for:
1.3.1 Semantic Web Technologies (Atos, Mauricio?)
1.5.2 Data Stream Management (IBM, Tali?)
- Please check if still up to date and update needed and get back to me/us ASAP.
(DoW content is up to two years old. Chance is, that newer technology is available)
- Peter: Which part of FI-WARE/data handles which parts of 1.3.1/1.2.2 (also which formats are supported/used)
- Peter: What about the yellow keywords and violet section. delete or extend?
- General: Check if relation of FI-WARE to sota is declared (What does FI-WARE provide, what not)
In a very quick review in of the architecture wiki I found the following abbreviations/technologies I miss in the sota. (This is a simple cross-test).
We should somehow add/enhance:
- PubSub: OMA NGSI-9/-10, ContextML/CQL,
- Location: MLP, NetAPI Terminal Location, SUPL, RRLP
- Metadata Preprocessing: RTP, RTSP
- Compressed DomainVideoAnalysis: CDA, ODA
- QueryBroker: MPQF, MMRS, PACS, SPARQL, XQuery, JAXB
- Semantic Annotations: LOD, Dbpedia, SANR
- SemanticSupport: NeOn, SESAME, OWLIM RDF/OWL-1
- Middleware: CDR (LLVM)
Please check if the keywords in the architecture description of your GE are somehow handled in the sota, and if not add a section, where appropriate.
Regards, Christof
Am 04.05.2013 um 12:26 schrieb Marti Christof (mach) >:
Hi all
As Sergio has announced at the last call we have to deliver an updated State of the Art Analysis ? Emerging Technologies (Deliverable D.2.6.2).
I have taken the job to organize the work an edit the final document for WP6.
Some clarification about the focus and form of the document from Miguel:
> The focus of this document is twofold:
> * What there is out there (current situation)
> * What it is going to be there (trends, foreseable future)
> We must say what innovations we offer in each chapter and how it compares
> with other research projects or products on the market.
> Referenced research projects do not necessarily mean FP7 or PPP related,
> not even subsidised. Please avoid a document where 80% of the text is a long list
> of project subsidised by the EC or national authorities. Subsidised research can
> be mentioned (must, if it is relevant) but let us avoid a narrow view.
Sergio and I prepared the base structure in the attached document. The idea is to follow the data lifecycle from creation/generation, information types/formats, over Data Storage, Data Integration (enrichment/transformation), Data communication to Data Analysis.
We already filled in the available content from the DoW and some other sources. But there are still missing pieces and the available content has to be revised and updated with current and emerging technologies.
To fill the gaps we need your domain specific knowledge and contributions. We'd like to distribute the work according to the following list. The responsible partner is also mentioned in the section title in the document.
1.1 Context Location Information: TID (add content about NGSI)
1.1.1 Location Information: Thales (available/emerging location information formats, ...)
1.1.2 Web information: Telecom Italia (available/emerging web formats, types, metadata, ...)
1.1.3 Multimedia information: Siemens (available/emerging media formats, metadata, ...)
1.2 Data Storage
1.2.1 Big-Data/Distributed Storage: TID
1.2.2 Media Storage: Siemens
1.3 Data Integration
1.3.1 Semantic Web technologies: Atos
1.3.2 Mediation and Data-Metadata Transformation: Siemens
1.4 Data Communication: ZHAW
1.5 Data Analysis
1.5.1 Batch Data Analysis: TID
1.5.2 Data Stream Management: IBM
I guess/hope you already have some state of the art of the area you are working in.
So it should not be to difficult to update it and add it to the section in the attached document.
- Please keep the change tracking enabled.
- Please also add a short section about how the topics are addressed in FI-WARE.
- If you can deliver something in an other section of the document feel free to add it there also.
- If you miss a chapter or topic we should address, let us know.
Because we have to deliver the document upstream on Tuesday 7. May, I need your contributions already until this Monday 6.5. evening.
I will continuously integrate your contributions in the final document.
Best regards
Christof Marti
InIT Cloud Computing Lab - ICCLab
Institut of Applied Information Technology - InIT
Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW
School of Engineering
P.O.Box, CH-8401 Winterthur
Office:TD O3.18, Obere Kirchgasse 2
Phone: +41 58 934 70 63
Mail: mach at
Skype: christof-marti
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From sergg at Wed May 8 13:12:27 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Wed, 08 May 2013 11:12:27 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] Agenda and Minutes for today call
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D8658C713@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Hi all,
These is the document with the agenda and precooked minutes for today's call.
Hear you at 14.30h.
Best Regards,
Sergio Garcia Gomez
Telefonica Digital (TID/PDI) - Enablers & Technology
Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo. Abraham Zacuto, 10.
47151 Boecillo (Valladolid), SPAIN.
E-mail: sergg at
Phone: (+34) 983367709 / (+34) 913129098 (IP)
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From mach at Wed May 8 14:52:32 2013
From: mach at (Marti Christof (mach))
Date: Wed, 8 May 2013 12:52:32 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] Agenda and Minutes for today call
In-Reply-To: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D8658C713@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
References: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D8658C713@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Message-ID: <>
Hi all
Enclosed the newest version of the SOTA document.
Regards Christof
Am 08.05.2013 um 13:12 schrieb SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ >
Hi all,
These is the document with the agenda and precooked minutes for today?s call.
Hear you at 14.30h.
Best Regards,
Sergio Garcia Gomez
Telefonica Digital (TID/PDI) - Enablers & Technology
Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo. Abraham Zacuto, 10.
47151 Boecillo (Valladolid), SPAIN.
E-mail: sergg at
Phone: (+34) 983367709 / (+34) 913129098 (IP)
Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar nuestra pol?tica de env?o y recepci?n de correo electr?nico en el enlace situado m?s abajo.
This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. We only send and receive email on the basis of the terms set out at:
Fiware-data mailing list
Fiware-data at
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From mach at Mon May 13 18:05:13 2013
From: mach at (Marti Christof (mach))
Date: Mon, 13 May 2013 16:05:13 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] Request for reviewers of SOTA
Message-ID: <>
Hi all
We need to assign reviewers for the SOTA of another WP. It is not yet defined which one. Because of this, we might not have specialists in that area and the review might be more high level, formal correctness and on readability/clearness of the document.
I will volunteer to do it myself, but it would be good to have one or two additional reviewers.
Volunteers please contact me until tomorrow noon. ( Am I to optimistic? )
Much appreciated
Christof Marti
InIT Cloud Computing Lab - ICCLab
Institut of Applied Information Technology - InIT
Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW
School of Engineering
P.O.Box, CH-8401 Winterthur
Office:TD O3.18, Obere Kirchgasse 2
Phone: +41 58 934 70 63
Mail: mach at
Skype: christof-marti
From sergg at Wed May 15 13:14:00 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 11:14:00 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] Today's call -> by email
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D8658F65B@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Hi all,
Christof and I have been working on the preparation of this afternoon's call and there were so few issues that we have decided to do it by email. Therefore, I will cancel the calendar call. Please, read through and react to the action points.
Pending action points
AP: TI: No input from Context Broker for Sprint 2.3.2. Semantic Annotation on hold.
AP: KIARA to create Epics and Features in the backlog (at least public wiki)
Backlog hierarchy. Not received from these GEs (AP): Semantic Annotation, Context Broker,
AP: TI: To provide the hierarchy of backlog items.
State of the Art. Christof will send an email following this one with an update and some requests.
Review of Open Specs: Still waiting for review of Data/Context Open Specs from IoT chapter. Should have been delivered last Wednesday EOB. Once received, we'll have a couple of days to update and submit.
Best Regards,
Sergio Garcia Gomez
Telefonica Digital (TID/PDI) - Enablers & Technology
Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo. Abraham Zacuto, 10.
47151 Boecillo (Valladolid), SPAIN.
E-mail: sergg at
Phone: (+34) 983367709 / (+34) 913129098 (IP)
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From sergg at Wed May 15 13:14:20 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 11:14:20 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] Canceled: FI-WARE WP6 Call
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D8658F665@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
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From mach at Wed May 15 14:34:24 2013
From: mach at (Marti Christof (mach))
Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 12:34:24 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] Status SOTA, review
Message-ID: <>
Hi all
As Sergio announced, some infos and an action point about deliverable D.2.6.2 "State of the Art Analysis - Emerging Technologies"
Attached the newest version of the WP6 SOTA containing all of your contributions.
I still need to complete the entries in the reference part, but will deliver until today EOB.
There is new part about "Distributed Database & Data Management Systems" where I would like to add, which GE's is using which products in the NoSQL area.
* Distributed Memory Cache (Memcached, XAP, Coherence, ...)
* Key/Value Stores (Riak, MemcacheDB, TokyoCabinet, Voldemort,...)
* Document Database (MongoDB, CouchDB, Terrastore, ThruB,...)
* WideColumnStore Database / BigTable DB (Cassandra, HBase, Hypertable, SimpleDB, ...)
AP (ALL): If your GE uses any NoSQL technology, please get back to me which product(s) you use.
Review of SOTA.
Yesterday evening we got the final assignments of the chapter to review. We have to review the "Cloud-Chapter" (changed from IOT a day earlier) and the Cloud-Chapter will review our part. Many thanks to Fano and Sergio for supporting me doing the review (will contact you as soon I get the document).
Best regards,
Christof Marti
InIT Cloud Computing Lab - ICCLab
Institut of Applied Information Technology - InIT
Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW
School of Engineering
P.O.Box, CH-8401 Winterthur
Office:TD O3.18, Obere Kirchgasse 2
Phone: +41 58 934 70 63
Mail: mach at
Skype: christof-marti
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From sergg at Thu May 16 15:06:20 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 13:06:20 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] Open Specs update
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D8658FC84@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Dear all,
I have just seen that the reviews of the open specs of the following GEs:
* Meta-Data Preprocessing
* Location
You can start updating it in the corresponding wiki pages.
The reviewed document is here :
Unfortunately, we don't have the rest of the reviews yet.
Best Regards,
Sergio Garcia Gomez
Telefonica Digital (TID/PDI) - Enablers & Technology
Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo. Abraham Zacuto, 10.
47151 Boecillo (Valladolid), SPAIN.
E-mail: sergg at
Phone: (+34) 983367709 / (+34) 913129098 (IP)
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From sergg at Mon May 20 10:15:27 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 08:15:27 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] Open Specs Review
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D86590B82@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Dear all,
Several reviews of the open specifications are already available:
* Big Data:
* Semantic Application Support:
* Semantic Annotation:
* Middleware:
The reviews of MDPP, and LOCS were already sent and as I have been notified. The CEP update is still pending (or I'm not aware of it).
The PubSub Broker, CDVA and QB review are still pending by IoT Chapter.
Tali, Paco, Mauricio, Fabio, Christof, please, proceed to update the wiki pages in the public wiki.
Best Regards,
PS: Cockpit with all links:
Sergio Garcia Gomez
Telefonica Digital (TID/PDI) - Enablers & Technology
Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo. Abraham Zacuto, 10.
47151 Boecillo (Valladolid), SPAIN.
E-mail: sergg at
Phone: (+34) 983367709 / (+34) 913129098 (IP)
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From GUYSH at Mon May 20 10:32:45 2013
From: GUYSH at (Guy Sharon)
Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 11:32:45 +0300
Subject: [Fiware-data] Open Specs Review
In-Reply-To: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D86590B82@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
References: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D86590B82@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
CEP was updated all comments accepted
Guy Sharon
Manager, Event-based Decision Technologies Group
IBM Research - Haifa
Phone: 972-4-8296587 | Mobile: 972-54-6976417
E-mail: GUYSH at
Find me on: and within IBM on:
Haifa University, Mount Carmel
Haifa, HA 31905
, Mauricio Ciprian , "Mondin
Fabio Luciano (fabioluciano.mondin at"
, "Moltchanov Boris
(boris.moltchanov at" ,
"Marti Christof (mach)" ,
Cc: "fiware-data at"
Date: 20/05/2013 11:15
Subject: [Fiware-data] Open Specs Review
Sent by: fiware-data-bounces at
Dear all,
Several reviews of the open specifications are already available:
? Big Data:
? Semantic Application Support:
? Semantic Annotation:
? Middleware:
The reviews of MDPP, and LOCS were already sent and as I have been
notified. The CEP update is still pending (or I?m not aware of it).
The PubSub Broker, CDVA and QB review are still pending by IoT Chapter.
Tali, Paco, Mauricio, Fabio, Christof, please, proceed to update the wiki
pages in the public wiki.
Best Regards,
PS: Cockpit with all links:
Sergio Garcia Gomez
Telefonica Digital (TID/PDI) - Enablers & Technology
Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo. Abraham Zacuto, 10.
47151 Boecillo (Valladolid), SPAIN.
E-mail: sergg at
Phone: (+34) 983367709 / (+34) 913129098 (IP)
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nuestra pol?tica de env?o y recepci?n de correo electr?nico en el enlace
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Fiware-data mailing list
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From sergg at Mon May 20 23:41:20 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 21:41:20 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] FW: [Fiware-demo] Live Demo current (May 20th) status
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D86592160@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
From: fiware-demo-bounces at [mailto:fiware-demo-bounces at] On Behalf Of Ferm?n Gal?n M?rquez
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 7:56 PM
To: fiware-demo at
Subject: [Fiware-demo] Live Demo current (May 20th) status
Today WPL/WPA meeting minutes ( includes an snapshoot of the status of Live Demo activities, that I think is interesting to share in the mailing list for your convenience (and for those of you that don't attend to WPL/WPA meetings):
Update on May, 20: Current status:
? Epic/Features documentation for R1 and R2. UPM is working on the "core" wiki structure. Ongoing.
? Widgets adaptation/implementation. UPM is working on it. You can see a snapshot following this link.
? Store and marketplace adaptation and integration. UPM is working on it .Ongoing.
? History element implementation. Currently, UPM has developed a first implementation using Node.js that makes queries to the Pub/Sub Context Broker and saves the power status history of lamps into a MySQL database. The module also has a Rest API that can be use to query the power status history of a lamp.
? Object Storage integration (based in a similar case from ENVIROFI demo). UPM is working on it. Ongoing.
? Backend Device Management (IDAS) integration.(including actual sensor data from OutSmart). IDAS is ready to be integrated, pending to define the details in the testbed.
? CEP integration. ContextBroker->CEP integration is clear in terms of format/messages. CEP->ContextBroker is still under definition. Working on it in a team with TID, IBM and UPM.
? PaaS Manager integration. Chef receipts for deploying ContextBroker GE are ongoing. Chef receipt for deployment user application are ongoing. We plan to have progress on this by the end of the week.
? API Access Control: pending of having all the components integrated.
* Usage of the Location Platform from WP6. Plan to integrate a simulation of a route and update the position of various mobile users. Need to test coordinates compatibility. It requires to implement a light NGSI-Location API adhoc adaptor.
Best regards,
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From mauricio.ciprian at Wed May 22 12:20:01 2013
From: mauricio.ciprian at (Mauricio Ciprian Rodriguez)
Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 12:20:01 +0200
Subject: [Fiware-data] Semantic Application Support Webinar
Message-ID: <>
Dear Partners.
The Semantic Application Support GE Webinar will be held tomorrow (May 23th) at 11:00 CET using the Anymeeting platform. If you are interested to attend the meeting, please let me know through email.
The URL of the meeting will be
Kind Regards,
Mauricio Cipri?n Rodr?guez
Knowledge Lab
Research & Innovation
T +34 912148067
F +34 917543252
mauricio.ciprian at
Albarrac?n 25
28037 Madrid
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From sergg at Wed May 22 13:08:33 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 11:08:33 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] Minutes for this afternoon meeting
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D86592BDD@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Hi all,
For this afternoon call, this is the document with the agenda and minutes.
We will spend some time thinking about applications of the GEs and their combinations with business interest.
Hear you at 14.30.
Best Regards,
Sergio Garcia Gomez
Telefonica Digital (TID/PDI) - Enablers & Technology
Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo. Abraham Zacuto, 10.
47151 Boecillo (Valladolid), SPAIN.
E-mail: sergg at
Phone: (+34) 983367709 / (+34) 913129098 (IP)
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From fabioluciano.mondin at Tue May 21 12:40:23 2013
From: fabioluciano.mondin at (Mondin Fabio Luciano)
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 12:40:23 +0200
Subject: [Fiware-data] R: Open Specs Review
In-Reply-To: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D86590B82@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
References: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D86590B82@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Message-ID: <9A174B8D76A9F9438BC0329C236D59F61988544D79@GRFMBX705RM001.griffon.local>
Hi everyone,
I've just put the review for the semantic annotation on Fiware wiki, both for Open Spec and API.
I also added the link into the index for the API part (it was missing).
Da: SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ [mailto:sergg at]
Inviato: luned? 20 maggio 2013 10:15
A: Tali Yatzkar-Haham (TALI at; FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO; Mauricio Ciprian; Mondin Fabio Luciano; Moltchanov Boris; Marti Christof (mach)
Cc: fiware-data at
Oggetto: Open Specs Review
Dear all,
Several reviews of the open specifications are already available:
* Big Data:
* Semantic Application Support:
* Semantic Annotation:
* Middleware:
The reviews of MDPP, and LOCS were already sent and as I have been notified. The CEP update is still pending (or I'm not aware of it).
The PubSub Broker, CDVA and QB review are still pending by IoT Chapter.
Tali, Paco, Mauricio, Fabio, Christof, please, proceed to update the wiki pages in the public wiki.
Best Regards,
PS: Cockpit with all links:
Sergio Garcia Gomez
Telefonica Digital (TID/PDI) - Enablers & Technology
Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo. Abraham Zacuto, 10.
47151 Boecillo (Valladolid), SPAIN.
E-mail: sergg at
Phone: (+34) 983367709 / (+34) 913129098 (IP)
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From sergg at Wed May 22 16:13:18 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 14:13:18 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] Minutes of the call
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D86592DD4@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Dear all,
As you know we have had the WP6 call a while ago. Given that several partners didn't attend, I would like to remind you that you can read the minutes at
and several action points:
@ALL partners that delivered unit testing plans, to fix the test report and put N in case a unit testing plan is not passed yet:
@ALL partners, to change the Legal Notice in your open specs. Please refer to the minutes and Juanjo's email "VERY IMPORTANT: LEGAL NOTICE to attach to FI-WARE Open Specifications" (21.05.2013 06:19h).
Best Regards,
Sergio Garcia Gomez
Telefonica Digital (TID/PDI) - Enablers & Technology
Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo. Abraham Zacuto, 10.
47151 Boecillo (Valladolid), SPAIN.
E-mail: sergg at
Phone: (+34) 983367709 / (+34) 913129098 (IP)
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From sergg at Tue May 28 17:59:51 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 15:59:51 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] FW: FI-WARE Architecture Data final
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D86595C14@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Hi all,
As you may know, yesterday we delivered both the architecture and the open specs of the chapter. The final review of the architecture (part of both documents), was finally reviewed by Juanjo. Several changes have been introduced in the document, now we need to synchronize the wiki. Please, open the document with comments at
and update the public wiki with the changes in the document. If you don't agree with any change, please let me know.
As soon as you finish, let me know.
Best Regards,
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 6:49 AM
Subject: FI-WARE Architecture Data final
Hi Sergio,
I'm sending to you the final version of your chapter's contribution to the FI-WARE Architecture deliverable.
You can download it from the following URL (note that this file is publicly available):
There were many issues dealing with level of headings. All of them where revealed as a result of the automated generation of the .docx files. I have also introduced many changes targeted to improve readability. Last but not least, I have carried out a final grammar spelling and detected many errors. You can check all these changes because they are highlighted in the file you can download from the following URL (note that this file is private):
Please share the results of this review with your chapter team and update the wiki as soon as possible in order to reflect these changes. Note that this is not strictly urgent, but the sooner the better. If there is any change that you or anyone of your team believes is not appropriate, I would like to know. I honestly believe that all of them were suitable, that's why we will submit the contents as final contents of the FI-WARE Architecture deliverable to avoid delaying it further. If we found there was any change that was wrong, we can fix it later. After all, what really matters is that the version of the FI-WARE documentation available at the time the FI-WARE Open Innovation Lab will be launched be accurate and of the highest quality.
Best regards,
-- Juanjo
Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
email: jhierro at
FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
and Chief Architect
You can follow FI-WARE at:
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From sergg at Wed May 29 12:01:57 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 10:01:57 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] FW: [Fiware-wpa] Platform for FI-WARE Webinars
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D86596020@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
-----Original Message-----
From: fiware-wpa-bounces at [mailto:fiware-wpa-bounces at] On Behalf Of Davide Dalle Carbonare
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 1:52 PM
To: fiware-wpl at; fiware-wpa at
Cc: abel at; Juan Quemada Vives
Subject: [Fiware-wpa] Platform for FI-WARE Webinars
Dear parters,
in order to provide FI-WARE webinars I notify you about the possibility of using the platform made available by UPM.
To understand how this platform works and how to use it, It's possible to attend to a dedicated presentation on these dates:
1) Wednesday 5th of June from 14h to 15h
2) Thursday 6th of June from 14h to 15h
To facilitate the organization of these sessions, please, confirm your attendance by sending a message to both:
- Juan Quemada Vives
- Abel Carril
To enter the webinar session click on:
Requirements for accessing the platform:
A browser which supports HTML5 must be used.
This includes the last versions of Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer 9 or 10, etc.
@WPLs, please, circulate this message in your WP mailing lists in order to involve all the potential users.
Thank you and
Kind Regards,
Fiware-wpa mailing list
Fiware-wpa at
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From sergg at Wed May 29 13:16:59 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 11:16:59 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] Agenda & Minutes
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D865961A2@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Hi all,
You can find the agenda and minutes for the call at
Best Regards,
Sergio Garcia Gomez
Telefonica Digital (TID/PDI) - Enablers & Technology
Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo. Abraham Zacuto, 10.
47151 Boecillo (Valladolid), SPAIN.
E-mail: sergg at
Phone: (+34) 983367709 / (+34) 913129098 (IP)
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This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. We only send and receive email on the basis of the terms set out at:
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From mach at Thu May 30 19:04:07 2013
From: mach at (Marti Christof (mach))
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 17:04:07 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] WP6 SotA review fixes
Message-ID: <>
Hi all
We got the SotA review back. There are only three comments in the following sections:
- 1.1.2 Multimedia Information (Siemens: Peter, Thomas)
- 1.2.1 Data Storage (I will handle this)
- 1.3.1 Semantic Web Technologies (ATOS: Mauricio, Ivan)
To verify these, can you please check and extend it or give feedback to the comments.
Because we are already late please as soon as possible, latest tomorrow noon.
Best regards,
Christof Marti
InIT Cloud Computing Lab - ICCLab
Institut of Applied Information Technology - InIT
Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW
School of Engineering
P.O.Box, CH-8401 Winterthur
Office:TD O3.18, Obere Kirchgasse 2
Phone: +41 58 934 70 63
Mail: mach at
Skype: christof-marti
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From sergg at Fri May 31 09:13:19 2013
From: sergg at (SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ)
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 07:13:19 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] FW: webinars - please, status and links
In-Reply-To: <65CDBE2E7E5A964BB8BC5F4328FDE90B890516D0@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
References: <65CDBE2E7E5A964BB8BC5F4328FDE90B890516D0@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Message-ID: <03BE306058976141B4883174DF62D54D86596E25@EX10-MB2-MAD.hi.inet>
Hi all,
Please, take into account Manuel's instructions when you carry out your webinars.
Best Regards,
From: fiware-wpl-bounces at [mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at] On Behalf Of MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 5:02 PM
To: fiware-wpl at; fiware-wpa at
Subject: [Fiware-wpl] webinars - please, status and links
Dear Partners,
Let me bother you with some relevant info about the webinars.
I hope I'm able to write a guideline with all details next days. Meanwhile, please, take into considerations two additional comments:
* I'll mark green webinars scheduled for today, when you're done please mark them blue, and inform the number of attendees, as shown in the snapshot below.
* Additionally, please, inform the links to the slides and recording on columns T and U, see snapshot below
Thanks for nice cooperation!!
Kind regards,
[cid:image001.png at 01CE5D57.60A46ED0]
[cid:image002.png at 01CE5D57.60A46ED0]
Manuel Escriche Vicente
Agile Project Manager/Leader
FI-WARE Initiative
Telef?nica Digital
Parque Tecnol?gico
C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10
47151 - Boecillo
Valladolid - Spain
Tfno: +34.91.312.99.72
Fax: +34.983.36.75.64
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From mauricio.ciprian at Fri May 31 09:37:40 2013
From: mauricio.ciprian at (Mauricio Ciprian Rodriguez)
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 09:37:40 +0200
Subject: [Fiware-data] WP6 SotA review fixes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
Hi Christof
I send you a new version of the Semantic Web Technologies section based on the reviewer's comments.
Kind Regards,
Mauricio Cipri?n Rodr?guez
Knowledge Lab
Research & Innovation
T +34 912148067
F +34 917543252
mauricio.ciprian at
Albarrac?n 25
28037 Madrid
-----Original Message-----
From: Marti Christof (mach) [mailto:mach at]
Sent: jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013 19:04
To: Peter Amon; Riegel, Thomas; Mauricio Ciprian Rodriguez
Cc: SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ; fiware-data at
Subject: WP6 SotA review fixes
Hi all
We got the SotA review back. There are only three comments in the following sections:
- 1.1.2 Multimedia Information (Siemens: Peter, Thomas)
- 1.2.1 Data Storage (I will handle this)
- 1.3.1 Semantic Web Technologies (ATOS: Mauricio, Ivan)
To verify these, can you please check and extend it or give feedback to the comments.
Because we are already late please as soon as possible, latest tomorrow noon.
Best regards,
Christof Marti
InIT Cloud Computing Lab - ICCLab Institut of Applied Information Technology - InIT Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW School of Engineering P.O.Box, CH-8401 Winterthur Office:TD O3.18, Obere Kirchgasse 2
Phone: +41 58 934 70 63
Mail: mach at
Skype: christof-marti
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From mach at Fri May 31 14:17:44 2013
From: mach at (Marti Christof (mach))
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 12:17:44 +0000
Subject: [Fiware-data] SOTA of Data
References: <>
Hi Miguel
Here is the consolidated (ready to integrate) WP6 SOTA.
Best regards,
Christof Marti
InIT Cloud Computing Lab - ICCLab
Institut of Applied Information Technology - InIT
Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW
School of Engineering
P.O.Box, CH-8401 Winterthur
Office:TD O3.18, Obere Kirchgasse 2
Phone: +41 58 934 70 63
Mail: mach at
Skype: christof-marti
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