Dear Colleagues Please find here enclosed the following draft documents in which we are going to leverage to complete the exploitation deliverables resubmission: - Platform Strategy Market Analysis, including main regulatory concerns for 11.1 Market Analysis and 11.3 Policy and Regulation issues - FI WARE Platform Strategy, based on the previous analysis and on 3rd party and Vision deliverables for 11.2 Exploitation Strategy, pending to include some inputs from Product Vision deliverable in which 2-3 examples on how FI-WARE is applied in a specific domain (take existing UC projects) will be included Resubmission Roadmap: All Deliverables sent on the 8th November - 11.1 and 11.3 11.1 Market Analysis and 11.3 Policy and Regulation issues - We will include some inputs from Platform Strategy Market Analysis before 29th October and we will circulate them to be validated before 5th November to deliver final versions - 11.2 Exploitation Strategy - We will include the FI WARE Platform Strategy, including the questions from the review and initial Pro Forma Business Plan, with all your support and contributions on the 5th November and we will send it around to validate the final version to properly deliver on the 8th November. Actions required: - Please review FI WARE Platform Strategy, initial draft version for discussion, preferably involving your business departments, leveraging on the previous Platform Strategy Analysis and on the questions from the review, and please add/modify what you consider in the document with "Track Changes" option and answer to the main questions from the review individually on the wiki, each industrial partner has a slot: o The objective is validate a common Platform Strategy as a whole and not as a loose collation of GEs- Agree on the value proposition o Identify the key segments, to avoid entering in the untenable situation of "FI-WARE is good for everyone and for every task"- "Two sided market"- End Users and Developers o Identify the main channels will be used to reach the various customer segments (Developers and End Users) and the marketing tools should be designed to be usable by the internal sales force. o Identify the right strategy to ecosystem management and consequently attract as much developers as we can o How , Telecom service provider, Network equipment and mobile terminal manufacturers, Software vendors, IT Providers and IT solution integrators will make money individually from FIWARE Platform? Licensing, advertising, selling apps, hosting service, increase data traffic, data storage o Provide some inputs for a pro forma analysis about potential market estimation and about initial cost estimates based on Test bed configuration - All your contributions for FI WARE Strategy definition document have to be received before next 1st November to prepare a final version to deliver before the 8th November Thanks for your contribution Juan Juan Bareño Global Innovation, Business Development & Strategy Research & Innovation +34 912148859 Calle Albarracín 25, 28037 Madrid juan.bareno at <mailto:juan.bareno at> <> ------------------------------------------------------------------ This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy it. 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