[Fiware-ge-owners] How to create chef recipes for FIWARE GEs

a a via join.me scheduler at join.me
Tue Jul 16 11:18:48 CEST 2013

You have been invited to an online meeting using join.me \n \nShow start time by time zones (https://join.me/timezone/1374047100000/1374055200000) \n \nNotes from the organizer:  \nHow to create chef recipes for FIWARE GEs Webminar \n- Advanced Cloud funtionalties \n- What is chef \n- How to create recipes in chef for GE \n- How to work with Chef \n \nJoin the meeting: https://join.me/henar_tid \nOn PC or Mac, use any browser with Flash. Nothing to download. \nOn a phone or tablet, launch the join.me app (https://join.me/Scheduler/Utils/OpenJoinMeApp.aspx) and enter meeting code: henar_tid \n \nJoin the audio conference:  \nNo matter how you join the conference, everyone will be on the same audio call. \n \nBy phone:  \n1) Depending on your location, dial:  \n   +43.720.881.959 (Austria)  \n   +49.69.33296380 (Germany)  \n   + (Spain)  \n   +33.1.8288.3590 (France)  \n   +30.21.1198.2986 (Greece)  \n   +972.3.763.0434 (Israel)  \n   +39.06.8339.9900 (Italy)  \n   Dialing from another country? Check our international numbers (http://help.join.me/knowledgebase/articles/149448-does-join-me-offer-international-conference-number). * \n2) Enter conference ID: 292-828-466# \n \nBy computer via internet:  \nJoin the meeting, click the phone icon and select 'Call via internet'. ** \n \n* Long distance charges may apply. \n** A small download might be required. \n
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