[Fiware-ge-owners] [Fiware] Training material review

Davide Dalle Carbonare davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
Mon May 12 10:12:11 CEST 2014

Dear partners,
     as you probably already noticed, we're experiencing some problems 
in uploading courses
in the eLearning platform, I apologize for that. The solution is found 
and we're working on it.
It's possible that today the platform will be off-line for short period 
of time, anyway, all the changes
that you can save, will not be lost.


On 29/04/2014 17:21, Davide Dalle Carbonare wrote:
> Dear partners,
>     as you should already know I'm proceeding with a review of the 
> training material published
> in the eLearning platform http://edu.fi-ware.org
> I keep track of this review (with priority to partners leaving at M36) 
> using this shared dashboard
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AopQnlLhngy9dHVla1kyTnNXTTdWVTd6WW55LUk4TlE#gid=2 
> where you can also find my notes and comments for the most relevant 
> aspects.
> I've also identified a number of small differences in the publication 
> of the courses and in order to have
> a more homogeneous situation we (E-IIS) can proceed directly to fix 
> those minor issues.
> For the partners that used the SCORM player for creating the course, 
> again, we (E-IIS) can help
> to update the package for adopting the new theme.
> Don't forget to check the how-to page, that is continuously updated to 
> simplify the implementation
> of the notes from the review
> https://forge.fi-ware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/How_to_create_a_SCORM_course 
> @GE-Owners and @Course-authors,
> if you publish some new or updated contents, I kindly ask you to drop 
> a comment in the dashboard
> so that it's easier for me to be notified and follow your changes. 
> Please include your name in the comment.
> thank you for your collaboration and
> Kind Regards,
> Davide
> ps. my apologize for multiple posting.
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