Dear Miguel, for the description of 3rd party assets we are going to use in FI-WARE, can you confirm me that it is enough to use the Hadoop template? Best regards Marco ----- Original Message ----- From: Garino Pierangelo To: fiware-i2nd at Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 11:06 AM Subject: [Fiware-i2nd] URGENT ACTION: MODIFICATIONS to Materializing the Interface to Networks and Devices (I2ND) in FI-WARE Dear All, Below you can find another feedback by Miguel concerning the wiki pages we have produced so far, with a request for harmonization of specific items like asset descriptions etc. I remind you that some of the actions requested here were already requested in the past, so please *take the necessary actions without further delay*. On the other hand, the deadline is Nov 4th, that is tomorrow! Please read carefully the instructions, identify the items that you have in charge and do the modifications: *Task Leaders* are required to supervise, and timely 'urge' the relevant partners to complete their 'homework'. BR Pier Da: Miguel Carrillo [mailto:mcp at] Inviato: mercoledì 2 novembre 2011 18:28 A: Garino Pierangelo; hans.einsiedler at Cc: JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA Oggetto: Materializing the Interface to Networks and Devices (I2ND) in FI-WARE Dear Pier & Hans, I am sending private emails to all WPLs with further comments to the "Materializing the Interface to Networks and Devices (I2ND) in FI-WARE" section on the wiki. There are general comments (applicable to most WPs) and other that apply to your WP in particular. We have prepared a simple and friendly tutorial to make sure that we go in the same direction ( . General comments (for all WPs) ============================================================= a.. Still there are heterogeneous templates for assets. Take Samson and Hadoop as the reference templates for assets b.. IPRs in Assets are very frequently expressed in a vague manner. "This product has IPR associated to it", "Open source". To end with this situation change all assets and put this: a.. Assets with patents/IPRs. Use this text: "This product will be licensed under FRAND (Fair Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory) Terms according to pre-requisites of the FI-PPP program". a.. If needed, you can add sentences like the one in SAMSON ("Licensing of the software under an Open Source license is currently under consideration. ") b.. Open source: see Hadoop and use it as template. The text is: "This product is licensed under the open source XXX" where "xxx" will be replaced with the license that applies and a link to the detailed terms where possible. c.. If you rephrase this or use variants it's ok as long as the additions are properly explained. c.. Programming Artefacts. I see that this is frequently removed. This is part of the template, it is mandatory and has to stay there. I am not sure if everyone is understanding this. This field elaborates on what we are providing to a developer(an API?, a tool? ... ) d.. Delete empty sections. I see many blocks of "Themes", "Features" and "User Stories" (for instance) that are empty. This gives a poor impression and will cause trouble in the review. Please remove blank sections, they will have to be re-created when the first entry is added to the wiki Particular comments (specific to your WP) ============================================================= If I say "ok" to one of them, do not relax. It means that there is no particular remark. But the general comments still apply to it and it may need changes. 1) COMMENTS ON ASSETS a.. Connected Device Interfacing a.. WEB Runtime Engine - please be more specific in the IPR section. Is it offered under FRAND terms? b.. Meego - ok c.. Web API - be more specific in the IPR section d.. Reinforcement Learning - ok. b.. Cloud Edge a.. Network Organizer - IPR- please be more explicit c.. Network Information and Control a.. NOX based OpenFlow controller - ok b.. Network Element Virtualizer - ok c.. DRAGON - it looks like a 3rd party asset, in this case it should follow a different template (short one) d.. Service, Capability, Connectivity and Control a.. OpenEPC Platform - partially wrong template. The IPR section should comply with the usual format. - comments ignored b.. Device Connection Platform - part of the fields are empty. IPR must be more specific c.. Web session Controller - the extra section "Known software requirements" breaks the template. Please amend. "As far I know there are no IPR attached to the FIWARE WSC asset" must be improved (a more formal and accurate remark is needed) d.. API mediation - not compliant with the official template. Poorly populated. e.. Fast Telecom Service helper - not compliant with the official template. Poorly populated. IPR are not specific enough At least, express FRAND terms. f.. Voicemail enabler - not compliant with the official template. Poorly populated. IPR are not specific enough At least, express FRAND terms. g.. Telekom Network Identity Management - The name is not correct, the partner name must be removed. IPR empty. h.. Telekom Resource Management - The name is not correct, the partner name must be removed. IPR ( "Patent is pending for Deutsche Telekom AG") - insufficient. We miss a "and it will be offered to the rest of the partners under a FRAND scheme" or whatever that applies in this case i.. Telekom Seamless Network Connectivity - The name is not correct, the partner name must be removed. IPR ( "EU/US patents issued for Telekom") - insufficient. We miss a "and it will be offered to the rest of the partners under a FRAND scheme" or whatever that applies to this case 2) COMMENTS ON BACKLOG a.. I will send you this first thing in the morning Please make sure that this is properly looked at by all the concerned members of the WP under your supervision. Deadline: Friday, 4 EOB. Thanks for your cooperation Miguel -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _/ _/_/ Miguel Carrillo Pacheco _/ _/ _/ _/ Telefónica Distrito C _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ Investigación y Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 5 _/ _/ _/ _/ Desarrollo Ronda de la Comunicación S/N _/ _/_/ Madrid 28050 (Spain) Tel: (+34) 91 483 26 77 e-mail: mcp at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico en el enlace situado más abajo. This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. We only send and receive email on the basis of the terms set out at. Questo messaggio e i suoi allegati sono indirizzati esclusivamente alle persone indicate. 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