[Fiware-i2nd] Task 7.1 next steps

Kennedy, John M john.m.kennedy at intel.com
Mon Sep 19 01:30:32 CEST 2011

Dear All,
So that we can start to build an integrated view of all 7.1 assets and architect a consistent GE can all contributors to Task 7.1 please upload a document or powerpoint to Forge that summarises:

-          Inputs that the asset takes

-          Outputs from the asset

-          Functionality of the asset

-          How the asset is deployed

-          Dependencies of the asset:

o   Specific h/w

o   Specific OS

o   Specific Runtime (Java, .NET, ...)

o   Specific middleware

o   Specific DBMS

o   Etc.

-          Anything else (constraints etc.) that should be considered when constructing an integrated architecture for the CDI GE that includes this asset

Please upload to a sub folder of Task7.1 (https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/?group_id=10#) called "Assets". Please create the subfolder if it is not there already.

I apologise if you have already circulated this info in some form already, but please upload it to forge now so that all 7.1 folks, now and in the future, will be able to access it easily.

As you may know I am offline for the next 2 weeks, however when I return the new and permanent full-time lead for Task 7.1 will be available so we will start progressing this overview then using the tool of choice.

Thank you,

-          John.
Intel Ireland Limited (Branch)
Collinstown Industrial Park, Leixlip, County Kildare, Ireland
Registered Number: E902934

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