[Fiware-i2nd] Slides for Review meeting - Update

Andrea Simeoni asimeoni at dis.uniroma1.it
Mon Nov 26 11:24:37 CET 2012

Hi Pier,
please find attached the slides updated by UNIROMA1 for CDI.

Thanks- Andrea

2012/11/26 <jeanpierre.lerouzic at orange.com>

>  Hi Pier, all,****
> ** **
> I don’t see the changes that I proposed last Friday.****
> Please see included file.****
> ** **
> Best regards,****
> ** **
> Jean-Pierre****
> ** **
> *De :* fiware-i2nd-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:
> fiware-i2nd-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] *De la part de* Garino Pierangelo
> *Envoyé :* dimanche 25 novembre 2012 23:11
> *À :* fiware-i2nd at lists.fi-ware.eu
> *Objet :* [Fiware-i2nd] Slides for Review meeting - Update****
> ** **
> Dear All,****
> ** **
> this is an update to the slides for the review meeting. ****
> I have decided to re-introduce the text slide on main achievements, added
> in front of the list of Features developed, and changed a little bit the
> slide on highs/lows (it is now reporting the issues, the ‘highs’ are
> already in the main achievements slide).  ****
> ** **
> The following items need to be addressed (under supervision of GE
> Coordinators):****
> **-          **In slide 4 other Features for CDI and CE need to be
> inserted, concerning what wiil be delivered in second release (or third one)
> ****
> **-          **In slide 3 there are entries which are Epics: consider to
> change to Features, and check that in the I2ND tracker the corresponding
> ticket is ‘closed’ (if one Feature is listed as ‘done’ it must be ‘done’
> also from the ticket point of view, otherwise it means it is complete yet…).
> ****
> **-          **In slide 5 there are two features described as text only,
> without the link to the wiki page: please add the link****
> ** **
> Tomorrow there will be a further revision of the slides, please provide
> the information above mentioned, and any other comment you believe
> important to improve the contents, before the end of the day, thanks.****
> ** **
> BR****
> Pier****
> ** **
> ** **
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Telecom Italia
> *Pierangelo Garino
> Innovation & Industry Relations – Research & Prototyping****
> Via G. Reiss Romoli 274, I-10148 TORINO****
> Tel: +39 011 228 7142****
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> ** **
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Andrea Simeoni
Ph.D. Student

Università di Roma - "La Sapienza"
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica (DIS)
Via Ariosto, 25 - 00185 Rome - Italy
Phone: +39 06 77274035
Mobile:   +39 3297432275
Mail: asimeoni at dis.uniroma1.it
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