[Fiware-iot] IoT Weekly Minutes 09/11/2011

Farkas, Lorant (NSN - HU/Budapest) lorant.farkas at nsn.com
Wed Nov 9 13:02:59 CET 2011

Dear All,

Under this link please find the minutes from this week.

The e-mail from Juanjo on "work items" for your information, one of my
AP-s is to send it over:
 <<[Fiware-wpa] IMPORTANT UPDATE/HINTS on Selection of Features for the
1st Minor Release and planning of 1st Sprint>> 

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From: "ext Juanjo Hierro" <jhierro at tid.es>
Subject: [Fiware-wpa] IMPORTANT UPDATE/HINTS on Selection of Features for the 1st Minor Release and planning of 1st Sprint
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2011 15:02:51 +0200
Size: 2001031
URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/old-fiware-iot/attachments/20111109/d06b175f/attachment.mht>

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