[Fiware-iot] Feedback IoT Communication Architecture

Bisztray, Denes (NSN - HU/Budapest) denes.bisztray at nsn.com
Mon Jan 16 11:41:58 CET 2012

Hi All,


My answers to the two topics you mentioned:


1.       The Access Rights Control component is a bit controversial component. In the backend its functionalities is clear. However, in the Gateway, you already have a Access Policy Control within Data Access Policy GE. It would be good if we could clear what this one is responsible for, and what the one in the IoT Communication is responsible for.

2.       I assumed that the Gateways are dealing with non-ETSI compliant devices. Thus, the service control GE as a central component does not have a sense. The reasons include that devices may connect in completely different manner, so QoS or Traffic Management may not be necessary. Do you think we need it there? Please take the initiative and change it as you prefer it. 




From: ext Guerra Sabrina [mailto:sabrina.guerra at telecomitalia.it] 
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 11:07 AM
To: Bisztray, Denes (NSN - HU/Budapest); 'fiware-iot at lists.fi-ware.eu'
Cc: Fici Gian Piero
Subject: R: [Fiware-iot] Feedback IoT Communication Architecture


Hi All,

we would like to discuss these generic aspects of the platform with you and to collect the your feedback about the following observations:

we have seen that in the architecture on the Wiki there are asymmetries between the Backend and the Gateway diagram, in the case of IoT Communication. In the ETSI M2M Specifications there is a similar approach as the functionalities are distributed either to the platform level or to the gateway/device level but in the ETSI M2M the functionalities are symmetries. We would know if this difference between the backend/platform and the gateway architecture is shared and which are the reasons of this choice. For example the "Service Control" GE is only identified in the backend diagram and not in the gateway diagram. An other example: the "Access Rights Control" component is only identified in the gateway diagram and not in the backend diagram.

Best regards,



Sabrina Guerra
Telecom Italia S.p.a.

Strategia e Innovazione,
Research & Trends
Telefono   +39 011 228 8359       
Cellulare +39 331 600 1349


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