[Fiware-iot] ETSI M2M reference implementation: proposal to share your reults in FI-Ware

fano.ramparany at orange.com fano.ramparany at orange.com
Wed Oct 17 12:36:13 CEST 2012

Dear Fabio,

Thank you for your announcement. We would like to test and use your module in the context of the OUTSMART FI PPP UC project, and would appreciate if you could tell us how to proceed.

Thank you very much in advance,


De : fiware-iot-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-iot-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] De la part de Bellifemine Fabio Luigi
Envoyé : mardi 16 octobre 2012 14:15
À : NAGELLEN Thierry OLNC/OLPS; fiware-iot at lists.fi-ware.eu; jhierro at tid.es
Cc : Borean Claudio; Ranalli Andrea
Objet : Re: [Fiware-iot] ETSI M2M reference implementation: proposal to share your reults in FI-Ware

Dear Fi-ware partners,
I am pleased to inform you that the ZigBee Gateway Device software module was released in Open source under the Apache 2 license.
The web page of the project ZigBee4OSGi http://zb4o.aaloa.org/ includes now the logo of FiWare and a reference to the project as one of the contributors.
You are welcome to disseminate this result of Telecom Italia in FiWare.
Best regards, Fabio Bellifemine

From: Bellifemine Fabio Luigi
Sent: lunedì 24 settembre 2012 12:54
To: 'thierry.nagellen at orange.com'; 'fiware-iot at lists.fi-ware.eu'
Cc: Garino Pierangelo; Fici Gian Piero; Guerra Sabrina; Borean Claudio; Ranalli Andrea
Subject: RE: ETSI M2M reference implementation: proposal to share your reults in FI-Ware

Dear Thierry and Fi-ware WP5 partners,
As anticipated in February, we are pleased to inform you that we are now ready to release in open source our ZigBee Gateway Device implementation. It is the software that Sabrina already provided as contribution of Telecom Italia to WP5. The software will be released by Telecom Italia under the Apache 2 license.
In order to properly acknowledge the Fi-ware activities, we would like to add the following sentence to the Notice file and to the released manual:
This work of Telecom Italia s.p.a. has been partly supported by the European Commission under the EU's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) within the context of the WP5 of the FP7-285248 FI-WARE project (http://www.fi-ware.eu/)

We welcome any suggestion and recommendation.
Best regards, Fabio Bellifemine.

From: Bellifemine Fabio Luigi
Sent: 14 February 2012 14:59
To: 'thierry.nagellen at orange.com'
Cc: Garino Pierangelo; Fici Gian Piero; Guerra Sabrina; lorant.farkas at nsn.com; denes.bisztray at nsn.com; Elia Gabriele
Subject: RE: ETSI M2M reference implementation: proposal to share your reults in FI-Ware

Dear Thierry,
we analyzed your proposal. We do also think that Fi-Ware has the unique opportunity to launch a new ecosystem and that it should absolutely be based upon worldwide well-defined standards.

We believe that our ETSI M2M-like implementation is not appropriate for Fi-Ware as there are still many differences with ETSI M2M and as it is a vertical implementation strictly based upon the requirements of the Energy at home project.

On the other hand we feel that we could help Fi-Ware to fill a gap in communicating with Things. We believe that the project is very concentrated on the platform (and that is a strength) with less emphasis and attention on how such a platform will communicate with the Things and with which Things it should communicate (and that might be a possible weakness of the project).

We want then to propose you to integrate our implementation of the ZigBee Network Device specifications (see http://www.zigbee.org/). Such a standard specifies how the ZigBee world of Things should interact with the IP world and, in particular, with a platform through a gateway. It is a RESTful interface that every standard ZigBee Gateway Device is required to expose. One of the work items of ETSI M2M is exactly the harmonization with ZigBee Gateway Device specifications. By using such an interface the Fi-Ware platform will be able to communicate with any ZigBee device independently on the specific application profile (be it home automation, smart energy, building automation, health care, or others). That is - in our view - a big benefit and value to Fi-Ware. If you look at the ZigBee site (sections on products), there are today a few hundreds of ZigBee compliant products offered by several companies.

Our implementation is based upon two sw modules:

-                GAL. This module shall be hosted on the gateway device. It implements the ZigBee specifications and it is the layer responsible for inter-working between wireless ZigBee devices and IP world. It exposes a RESTful interface to the cloud platform. It also implement all the state machines required by the standard in order to implement network discovery, device discovery, device and network configuration, communication with devices, ... This module is provided to Fi-Ware as background of Telecom Italia free for the usages of the project and under a FRAND license later (fair, reasonable and non discriminatory).

-                jGAL. This module shall be hosted on the platform or, eventually, also on OSGi gateway devices. It communicates via REST with the ZigBee gateways according to the ZigBee specifications. On the other side it shall provide a simple Java in-process interface. We are pleased to work on this module as foreground of Telecom Italia in Fi-Ware. We believe that this module can also become the basis for an open source project of Fi-Ware that we are pleased to contribute to launch.

The GAL and a basic implementation of jGAL can surely be provided by Telecom Italia by April 2012 as planned by you.

I am available for a phone call to discuss in more detail this proposal.

Thank you, Fabio Bellifemine.

From: thierry.nagellen at orange.com [mailto:thierry.nagellen at orange.com]
Sent: 31 January 2012 15:07
To: Bellifemine Fabio Luigi; Elia Gabriele
Cc: Garino Pierangelo; Fici Gian Piero; Guerra Sabrina; lorant.farkas at nsn.com; denes.bisztray at nsn.com
Subject: ETSI M2M reference implementation: proposal to share your reults in FI-Ware

Dear M Bellifemine,
Dear M  Elia,

We had last week in Madrid the General Meeting of FI-Ware, the Core Platform project from the Public-Private-Partnership Future Internet,  a FP7 program initiative where 21 major European ICT partners collaborate. Some of the strategic objectives of this program, and especially FI-Ware as the major technical project, are to push some standards and to launch a new ecosystem, typically based on a developers' community, to adopt quickly these standards and develop new applications on the top of them.

I am the Work Package leader of the "Internet of Things" technical area in FI-Ware where we managed in October 2011 between several standards in our area to identify which could be useful regarding our architecture. We reached a consensus to use two of them:

·         OMA-NGSI 9&10, which are following meta-data approach and would support a common way to exchange some data between several components

·         ETSI-M2M where a stable version is now available and is obviously related to Internet of Things
For this second standard, main actors as Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks, Orange and of course Telecom Italia agreed to provide an ETSI M2M interface on their assets they expect to improve through the FI-Ware project. As you can understand, it would be very fruitful for the ICT community to have such main actors providing a common interface and demonstrate how interoperability would be easier in the Future.

Based on the exchanges we had last week with Ms Sabrina Guerra and M Gian Piero Fici, and as they explained us before, Telecom Italia achieved a first ETSI M2M implementation for an internal research project in the Energy area.

We would invite you to study the following proposals to improve this ETSI M2M implementation:

1.       Full Restful binding: as your implementation is the first one, we understood that it is not fully Restful compliant. The FI-Ware partners involved in this subject propose to work on a full RESTful binding (REST in the relevant interface for FI-Ware). We could contribute altogether to build this RESTful interface which is one of our objectives for end of April 2012 and share it to demonstrate interoperability. In this case, our proposal is that, based on the consortium agreement all partners signed, we could launch an internal FI-Ware internal open-source community between Telecom Italia, Orange, NSN and Ericsson, community which could be open to other FI-Ware Internet of Things partners if they want to implement this interface. We could increase in this case the development effort you manage for the time being by 2 or 3. In this case we would be able to demonstrate concretely a first interoperability in April and emphasize a lot standard adoption to the European ICT community, which should be a great result for Europe and ETSI.

2.       If we are successful, our second proposal would be to transform this first implementation into a Reference Implementation. We would suggest maintaining alive this Reference Implementation, to extend the Open Source community and to launch an official one, open to all developers. This community should be supported by FI-Ware and prepare by FI-Ware. This community would provide a professional Reference Implementation, following ETSI M2M improvement, keeping Telecom Operators and their suppliers involved in, and provide at the end low-cost solutions.

As you can understand, we think that it is "time to market" now for ETSI M2M and we expect to share among the partners developments and launch ETSI M2M as soon as possible for the best of our markets.

Thank you for your feedback.
Thierry Nagellen
Program Manager Future Internet
Orange Labs Networks & Carriers
905 rue Albert Einstein
06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
+33 492 94 52 84
+33 679 85 08 44
New email address: thierry.nagellen at orange.com<mailto:thierry.nagellen at orange.com>

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