[Fiware-iot] Associations in Release 2.3 of ConfMan GE

Tobias Jacobs Tobias.Jacobs at neclab.eu
Mon Apr 8 11:34:30 CEST 2013

Dear Colleagues from TID,

Could you provide us some information related to your current plans related to the releases of the Configuration Management GE?

We understand that the next release of the ConfMan GE will be 2.3. How does this match with the integration plans that were discussed in the F2F meeting? We planned the integration of the WP5 components, but without the ConfMan GE no integration will be able to work.

In the technical roadmap (https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Roadmap_of_Internet_of_Things_%28IoT%29_Services), there is a slight mismatch between the features list in the table and what is described in the bullet points when it comes to association support.

We are concerned that there is no feature in the table on association support of the ConfMan GE. As the discussions with Juanjo last year have shown, the ability of translating between device-level and thing-level information is one of the essential abilities of the IoT Backend. The support of associations by ConfMan GE is an essential prerequisite for it.

We can also discuss this point in the phone conference this week.

Thanks and best regards
Ernoe, Martin, Raihan, Salvatore, and Tobias
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