[Fiware-iot] Geo-scope support

Tobias Jacobs Tobias.Jacobs at neclab.eu
Fri Apr 19 09:47:32 CEST 2013

Dear Carlos,
could you add the following description of the geo-scopes feature to the description of ConfMan GE?
As an optional feature, the Configuration Management GE supports the usage of geographic scopes in the operations discoverContextAvailability and subscribeContextAvailability. In particular, the geographic scopes defined under keyword SimpleGeoLocation in Appendix D of the OMA NGSI 9/10 specification[1] will be supported. For specifying the geographic location of entities and/or context providers, a new type of registration metadata will be defined and implemented. The exact syntax and semantics of this metadata type is under discussion.
Reference [1]: http://technical.openmobilealliance.org/Technical/release_program/docs/NGSI/V1_0-20120529-A/OMA-TS-NGSI_Context_Management-V1_0-20120529-A.pdf

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