[Fiware-iot] FW: Features for Release 3

Tobias Jacobs Tobias.Jacobs at neclab.eu
Thu Aug 1 09:12:33 CEST 2013

Hi Carlos,

I forgot to ask yesterday: Is there a private wiki page for the next iteration of the technical roadmap already?


From: Thierry Nagellen [mailto:thierry.nagellen at gmail.com]
Sent: Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013 15:49
To: Tobias Jacobs
Cc: t.elsaleh at surrey.ac.uk; thierry.nagellen at orange.com; fiware-iot at lists.fi-ware.eu
Subject: Re: [Fiware-iot] Features for Release 3

Yes Carlos should provide the link soon (befofre the end of the week normally)

2013/7/25 Tobias Jacobs <Tobias.Jacobs at neclab.eu<mailto:Tobias.Jacobs at neclab.eu>>
Hi Tarek,

As far as I remember Carlos wanted to create a page for that in the private wiki today.


From: fiware-iot-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-iot-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-iot-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-iot-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu>] On Behalf Of t.elsaleh at surrey.ac.uk<mailto:t.elsaleh at surrey.ac.uk>
Sent: Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013 14:44
To: thierry.nagellen at orange.com<mailto:thierry.nagellen at orange.com>
Cc: fiware-iot at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-iot at lists.fi-ware.eu>
Subject: [Fiware-iot] Features for Release 3

Hello Thierry,

Could you please reminder me where we should add the features planned for release 3?

Best regards,

Fiware-iot mailing list
Fiware-iot at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:Fiware-iot at lists.fi-ware.eu>

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