[Fiware-security] FI-WARE - WP8 Security AT - Weekly audio conf - 04/11/11 10am-12am

BISSON Pascal pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com
Fri Nov 4 15:10:08 CET 2011

Dear All,

Short minutes of our audio conf of today:


Anja (IBM)
Slim, Francesco (SAP)
Pascal, Daniel (THALES)
Antonio (ATOS)
Wolfgang (DT)


·         Review of AP as per previous minutes

·         TID comments address (as per emails sent today)

·         Virtual workshops with other WPs and Use Case projects (dates & content - update on T8.2/NSN prez)

·         Report on update on Question marks on Security from other Chapters (WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6 & WP7) [report from WP8 appointed members]

·         Meeting on Nov 16 (Hosted by SAP)

·         Other topics: Private wiki, Backlog mgt tracker, ...


·         Review of AP as per previous minutes

ð  Pending actions presumably addressed if not to be reported through mail to WPL & WPA

·         TID comments address (as per emails sent today)

ð  AP Task leads: Each of the task leads are busy addressing second round of comments sent by Miguel (TID) as per review performed of both "Security Vision Materialization and Security Features backlog. TID set deadline: 04/11/11 EOB!

·         Virtual workshops with other WPs and Use Case projects (dates & content - update on T8.2/NSN prez)

=> Doodle was set by Juanjo based on availabilities communicated to him by us (Robert, Pascal ...). Despite this, dates haven't been confirmed yet. AP Pascal to ask Juanjo at Next WPL/WPA Audio (Monday 07/11) and inform the Security Team of the dates selected

·         Report on update on Question marks on Security from other Chapters (WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6 & WP7) [report from WP8 appointed members]
WP3 (report from Slim): update not yet performed. Expected next week. Slim to urge things and report once done for ALL to check and comment if any.
WP4 (report from Pascal): based on discussion which occurred at last GA in Torino, WP4 updated the wiki with EPICS related to topics to be jointly discussed. AP Pascal: to forward mail received from WP4 (Andy). All to check what has been done and report/comment.
WP5: no update compared to what was announced at last audio conf. AP FT-Orange (Xavier): to report asap on progress and status
WP6 (Pascal, Daniel): despite numerous demands no interaction on the topic with TID
WP7 (Wolfgang): no update

AP for ALL appointed representatives at other WPs: urge things to have this update finalized asap. Also provide a short textual report of what has been effectively done (half A4 should be enough). This prior to next audio conf.

·         Meeting on Nov 16 (Hosted by SAP)

ð  New topic to be added: minor and major release planning (see mail sent by WPL prior to this Audio)

o   AP for each of the Task leads to come to this meeting with a proposal regarding what would be in scope of the Major Release (M12) and the two minor releases preceding it (aka entries of the backlog in scope).

ð  Participants who want to join this meeting to infom SAP (Slim)

ð  AP Slim to finalize the Agenda and distribute to attendees (asap)

·         Other topics: Private wiki, Backlog mgt tracker, ...

ð  Candidate security topics for the First Open Call (Urgent)

o   Despite emails sent by WPL none of the task lead have yet contributed their candidate (security) topics to the first open call we would have to issue soon.

o   AP for each of the Task leads with support og GE owners and caretakers:  to recover from this situation and send by today or by Monday 07/11 10am at the latest their initial list of candidate topics for the 1st Open Call . Meet the set deadline!. Remember that the EC put a lot of pressure on this and this can't be organized without proper contribution from each of the Chapters (so let's deliver promptly).

ð  AP Robert to circulate update of the presentation initiated for the virtual workshop with Use Case projects (to which Thales contributed also)

ð  AP Pascal to upload on the Wiki the FI-WARE Presentation at NESSOS Event in Poznan

Next audio conference: Thursday 10/11 (since 11/11 is off in France) - 10am-12am (same details as usual)



De : BISSON Pascal
Envoyé : jeudi 3 novembre 2011 18:14
À : fiware-security at lists.fi-ware.eu; Seidl, Robert (NSN - DE/Munich); Goetze, Norbert (NSN - DE/Munich); Marton, Gabor (NSN - HU/Budapest); ext TRABELSI, Slim; Antonio Garcia Vazquez
Cc : BISSON Pascal; GIDOIN Daniel; LELEU Philippe
Objet : FI-WARE - WP8 Security AT - Weekly audio conf - 04/11/11 10am-12am
Importance : Haute

Dear all,

This just to remind you our WP8 audio conf of tomorrow.

Will start it at 10am.

On the Agenda:

·         Review of AP as per previous minutes

·         TID comments address (as per emails sent today)

·         Virtual workshops with other WPs and Use Case projects (dates & content - update on T8.2/NSN prez)

·         Report on update on Question marks on Security from other Chapters (WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6 & WP7) [report from WP8 appointed members]

·         Meeting on Nov 17 (Hosted by SAP)

·         Other topics: Private wiki, Backlog mgt tracker, ...

·         ...

Details to join (same as usual):

Meeting room number: 391581

Australia   Australia Toll Free   1800 005 574

Australia   Sydney   +61 (0) 282 239 767

Austria   Vienna   +43 (0) 2682 205 6609

Belgium   Brussels   +32 (0) 2 789 8678

Denmark   Copenhagen   +45 3271 4340

Finland   Helsinki   +358 (0) 923 142 830

France   Lyon   +33 (0) 426 840 285

France   Marseille   +33 (0) 488 915 385

France   Paris   +33 (0) 170 994 816

Germany   Berlin   +49 (0) 3072 616 7342

Germany   Düsseldorf   +49 (0) 2115 407 3902

Germany   Frankfurt   +49 (0) 6971 044 5635

Germany   Hamburg   +49 (0) 4080 902 0684

Germany   Munich   +49 (0) 8924 443 2893

Germany   Stuttgart   +49 (0) 7111 856 2130

Greece   Greece Toll Free   0080 012 6344

Hong Kong   Hong Kong   +852 301 145 59

Hungary   Budapest   +36 (06) 1-889-3286

Ireland   Dublin   +353 (0) 14 860 780

Israel   Israel Toll Free   1809 245 981

Italy   Milan   +39 0 230 413 017

Italy   Rome   +39 0 645 217 056

Italy   Turin   +39 0 112 179 2159

Japan   Japan Toll Free   005 311 212 65

Japan   Tokyo   +81 (0) 357 675 025

Korea, Republic Of   Seoul   +82 (0) 234 831 224

Luxembourg   Luxemburg City   +352 2700 41 42

Malaysia   Kuala Lumpur   +60 (0) 377 124 640

Netherlands   Amsterdam   +31 (0) 207 948 529

New Zealand   Auckland   +64 (0) 9 919 2428

Norway   Oslo   +47 2153 3919

Poland   Poland Toll Free   0080 0121 1304

Portugal   Portugal Toll Free   800 814 183

Russia   Russia Toll Free   81080 02209 4011

Singapore   Singapore   +65 6622 1068

Spain   Barcelona   +34 93 492 3235

Spain   Madrid   +34 91 788 9908

Sweden   Stockholm   +46 (0) 850 520 145

Switzerland   Geneva   +41 (0) 225 927 428

United Kingdom   Birmingham   +44 (0) 121 260 4686

United Kingdom   London   +44 (0) 207 153 9902

United Kingdom   Manchester   +44 (0) 161 250 0679

United States   USA & Canada Toll Free   1888 249 0050

United States   USA Toll   +1 954 334 1559

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