Dear All, Short minutes of WP8 audio conference of last Friday: Present: Richard (TRT-UK) Wolfgang (DT) Antonio (ATOS) Francesco (SAP) Robert (NSN) Daniel (Thales) Pascal (Thales Alexandra (DT/T-Systems) 1. Product Vision for M5 / Security Features backlog * Overall security architecture has been updated by each of the task leads and uploaded on the Wiki by WP Lead (see Overview section of Security Chapter) * The Security Team has been working on addressing comments received from TID on the assets description to make all WP inputs consistent in format. * Reminder: All to take Samson and Hadoop (from Data/Context Mgt Chapter leaded by TID) as the references templates for assets description. * T8.1 (Thales/Daniel) * Comments on Thales assets have been addressed (correct template was used and assets description was reviewed and extended) 1. Action point for other T8.1 partners (i.e. TRT-UK, TAI, ATOS, INRIA ...) to proceed immediately with update of their assets. Deadline to have it done: by 24/10/2011 EOB at the latest!. 2. AP Thales (Daniel): to send a reminder! * Entries to the features backlog (entries provided by TS, to be checked and completed by other partners) 1. 2 EPICS (topics still under discussion at high level) have been added to call for joint work to be engaged between both WP8 & WP4 and WP8 & WP3 (this as previously discussed) * T8.2 (NSN/Robert) * T8.2 Lead busy addressing Miguel comments. Waiting update from IBM and answer from FT-Orange. Work expected to be done according to the set deadline 24/10/11 (EOB) 1. Action Point: NSN to urge IBM to complete the work and urge FT-Orange to answer to them and perform the work requested. 2. Action Point THA: to drop an email to FT-Orange (E. Mayer, X. Aghina) and contact them over the phone on the topic * Entries to the features backlog (no additional update) * T8.3 (ATOS/Antonio) * T8.3 Lead busy addressing Miguel comments. Assets description to be put under proper template. Work expected to be done by 24/10/11 EOB. 1. Action Point: THA to complete description of assets with missing information. * Entries to the features backlog 1. Action Point ATOS: to complete with some User stories. * T8.4 (SAP/Francesco) * T8.4 lead working on addressing Miguel comments. Expected to be done by Monday 24/10/11 EOB. * Entries to the features backlog (work done). 2. Meetings * Past meetings: i. Internal SAP meeting with FINEST. FINEST slides of this meeting have been distributed by SAP. Very interesting from the specific viewpoint of their security requirements. Need to align terminology between us and them. Also need to clarify specific issues. Additional calls have been scheduled to see how FI-WARE (WP8) could work with them on the basis of the EPICS (9) they have specified). * Meeting to come i. FIA/ServiceWave Poznan (Thales/Pascal, ATOS/Antonio to attend and represent FI-WARE Security project). Presentation to be uploaded on the Wiki (AP - Antonio+Pascal) ii. FI-WARE(T8.2)-TAS3 Meeting at SAP on Nov 16 - See invitation from Slim - Robert, Anja, Daniel (possibly also Pascal) to attend. iii. Virtual meeting with other ATs / Virtual meeting with UC Projects * Wiki has been set-up by Juanjo to come up with dates of the meeting targeted (one between WP8 and other Chapters, another one between WP8 and the UC Projects - focusing on Core Generic Enablers (T8.2)). 3. Update on the security requirements (question marks) coming from the other Chapters * Other chapters haven't delivered they security requirements as requested and expected, except for what concerns IoT team where things have been engaged regarding update of their question mark section on security aspects. * It is important for WP8 representatives appointed to follow up activities of each of the other WPs to be pro-active on this in order to urgently call (other WPs) for this update work to shared, discussed, agreed (with us) and closed asap. * Action Point (SAP/Slim/Francesco) * To contact WP3 and interact with them to finalize update for M5 release of Product Vision document of the question mark section on security aspects of App & Service ecosystem chapter. Update expected to be complete to be presented and discussed at next audio. * Action Point (THA/Daniel/Pascal) * To contact WP4 and interact with them to finalize update for M5 release of Product Vision document of the question mark section on security aspects of Cloud Hosting chapter. Update expected to be complete to be presented and discussed at next audio. * Action Point (THA/Pascal/Daniel) * To contact WP6 and interact with them to finalize update for M5 release of Product Vision document of the question mark section on security aspects of Data/Context Management chapter. Update expected to be complete to be presented and discussed at next audio. * Action Point (DT/Wolfang/Alexandra) * To contact WP7 and interact with them to finalize update for M5 release of Product Vision document of the question mark section on security aspects of I2N chapter. Update expected to be complete to be presented and discussed at next audio. 4. Wiki * AP Pascal: Information on private Wiki announced and set-up by TID to be distributed by Pascal. 5. Other * Audio-conf: * Cancelled next week * Next audio conf: November 4th 10am-12am -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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