[Fiware-security] Fi-WARE - Security AT - Virtual Workshop with Use Case

Seidl, Robert (NSN - DE/Munich) robert.seidl at nsn.com
Mon Oct 24 11:56:42 CEST 2011

Hi all,

during the meeting we could address the following topics:


-          WP8 overall architecture (depending on Daniel)

-          Interworking between WP8 tasks (some tasks have dependencies

-          Detailed discussion on T8.2 architecture

-          Integration of T8.2 partner assets

-          Discussion on T8.2 Epics and how to bring them down to
Features and User Stories

-          Any other topics ???


This mainly depends on who will participate.

So please indicate if you intend to participate or not.

Please also propose additional topics which should be addressed at this


Many thanks in advance



From: ext TRABELSI, Slim [mailto:slim.trabelsi at sap.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 5:21 PM
To: Seidl, Robert (NSN - DE/Munich); ext BISSON Pascal; Antonio Garcia
Vazquez; Michael Osborne
Cc: GIDOIN Daniel; fiware-security at lists.fi-ware.eu
Subject: RE: Fi-WARE - Security AT - Virtual Workshop with Use Case 


Dear all,


As it was announced during the last confcall. A Task 8.2 workshop will
be hosted at SAP Sophia-Antipolis in November 16th. For those who are
interested to attend the meeting please let us know.

@Robert and @Anja I have to book the rooms know 9:00 to 17:30 is it ok ?


Thank you

Best regards



Dr Slim Trabelsi 

Security & Trust
SAP Labs France
805, Avenue du Docteur Maurice Donat
BP 1216 - 06254 Mougins Cedex, France 
T +33 4 92 28 63 45 
M + 33 6 11 99 85 79 



From: Seidl, Robert (NSN - DE/Munich) [mailto:robert.seidl at nsn.com] 
Sent: mercredi 19 octobre 2011 16:39
To: ext BISSON Pascal; TRABELSI, Slim; Antonio Garcia Vazquez; Michael
Cc: GIDOIN Daniel
Subject: RE: Fi-WARE - Security AT - Virtual Workshop with Use Case 


Hi Pascal,

just a quick info.


The entire week of 3rd November I'm on vacation.

8th November I'm in principle available, but have already some meetings.

17th and 18th November there is the reference group meeting with the
TAS3 project.

At the 16th we will have the T8.2 architecture meeting (the day before
the TAS3 meeting)  and maybe we have to travel at the 15th.

So these dates are also not possible from my side (we announced this in
our WP8 telco last week).


Please mention this to Telefonica.






From: ext BISSON Pascal [mailto:pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 3:05 PM
To: Seidl, Robert (NSN - DE/Munich); ext TRABELSI, Slim; Antonio Garcia
Vazquez; Michael Osborne
Cc: BISSON Pascal; GIDOIN Daniel
Subject: Fi-WARE - Security AT - Virtual Workshop with Use Case 
Importance: High

Dear All,


Find hereafter the actions decided at the last WPL/WPA audio conf I had
with Juanjo on Monday.


Regarding the virtual workshop on Identity, Access Control, Privacy

*	AP on Juanjo: To setup doodle for virtual workshop either on Nov
3 or Nov 8.   Assumption is that virtual workshop will last 3 hours so
doodle will help to select both date and starting time.  Juanjo will
distribute doodle link to WPLs/WPAs and Pascal to the Security team 
*	AP on Juanjo: Propose UC projects virtual workshop either on Nov
15, Nov 16 or Nov 17. 
*	AP on Pascal: Send soon an email to Security team to make them
aware that virtual workshop with UC projects will take place most
probably some day during Nov 15-17 period.



I'd like here to draw your attention to the fact that:

*         first meeting (i.e. meeting between Security Team and other
ATs focusing on Core GEs so T8.2 GEs) is planned to occur either on Nov
3 or Nov 8. Juanjo will set a doodle that I will communicate you
onceestablised. At least and for the time being I'd like each of you to
book those dates and especially Robert and T8.2 GE owners.

*         Second (virtual) meeting even more important since with Use
Case projects which demanded it, is planned either on Nov 15, Nov 16 or
Nov 17. Same applies here please book those dates especially Robert and
T8.2 GE owners and be prepared to fill in the doodle I will forward you
once established by Juanjo.



That's all for the AP on my side.

Keep you posted regarding AP put on Juanjo's side.


Best Regards,






PS: Of course and if some of the dates proposed are not possible for you
please let me know 

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