Dear all, At the current stage, seven GEs out of nine have no entry in the table of the Second major release! It is mandatory to provide the input for today last deadline. The GEs that require immediate response regarding the "supported features" and "epics under analysis" from the concerned partners are: Identity Management - Robert (NSN) (with support of Wolfgang(DT)) Privacy - Michael or Anja (IBM) Data Handling - Since Slim(SAP) is absent, Francesco please take in charge the necessary actions DB Anonymizer - Francesco (SAP) Morphus Antivirus and IPFix Probe from Android - Alexandre (INRIA) Content-based Security - Adrian (TRT-UK) since Richard is absent. These partners are strongly urged to complete their corresponding entries by today. Many thanks for the effort, Best regards, Kreshnik ---THALES GROUP RESTRICTED--- De : Antonio Garcia Vazquez [mailto:antonio.garcia at] Envoyé : mardi 7 août 2012 11:32 À : BISSON Pascal; Seidl, Robert (NSN - DE/Munich); Michael Osborne; TRABELSI, Slim; DI CERBO, Francesco; Alexandre Boeglin; EGAN Richard; WALLER Adrian; Wolfgang.Steigerwald at; Michael Osborne; ext Anja Lehmann; Rodrigo Diaz Rodriguez Cc : GIDOIN Daniel; MUSARAJ Kreshnik; xavier.aghina at; PascalBisson Objet : RE: [Fiware-wpl] Instructions for resubmission of FI-WARE TechnicalRoadmap Hello, I've just included the following information related to context-based security & compliance GE: 1) USDL related Features are been included under first release table 2) Second release table has been completed Best Regards ************************************ * Antonio García-Vázquez * * (+34) 91 214 9384 * * antonio.garcia at<mailto:antonio.garcia at> * ************************************ From: BISSON Pascal [mailto:pascal.bisson at] Sent: lunes, 06 de agosto de 2012 17:38 To: Seidl, Robert (NSN - DE/Munich); Michael Osborne; Antonio Garcia Vazquez; Antonio Garcia Vazquez; TRABELSI, Slim; DI CERBO, Francesco; Alexandre Boeglin; EGAN Richard; WALLER Adrian; Wolfgang.Steigerwald at<mailto:Wolfgang.Steigerwald at>; Michael Osborne; ext Anja Lehmann; Rodrigo Diaz Rodriguez Cc: BISSON Pascal; GIDOIN Daniel; MUSARAJ Kreshnik; xavier.aghina at<mailto:xavier.aghina at>; PascalBisson Subject: TR: [Fiware-wpl] Instructions for resubmission of FI-WARE TechnicalRoadmap Dear Colleagues, Following instructions provided by Juanjo we as WPLs have contributed most of the input we could to the update of the Technical Roadmap. Please have a look at: As for what we entered there for First Major Release please check information we have entered is correct (should be correct but just in case please check and correct if any). Second, the way we did it for Security Monitoring please complete the table for Second Major Release with proper links to "supported features" and "epics under analysis". As usual this has to be done by each of the GE Owners for the second Release as per already mentioned in the table (see where to contribute your input) so please Robert/Wolfgang, Michael/Anja, Slim, Antonio, Alexander, Richard/Adrian please contribute your input to have this table completed asap by tomorrow at the latest. Being said tomorrow I would on vacation and Daniel would also be away till end of the week I asked Kreshnik (thanks to him!) in cc to ensure and coordinate completion of our input to D2.4a. So in case of any question you may have please contact him. As for the rest counting on you to perform, according to the set deadline, the actions requested and stated above. Many thanks in advance for your cooperation and support. Best Regards, Pascal De : fiware-wpl-bounces at<mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at> [mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at]<mailto:[mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at]> De la part de Juanjo Hierro Envoyé : vendredi 3 août 2012 10:02 À : fiware-wpl at<mailto:fiware-wpl at>; fiware-wpa at<mailto:fiware-wpa at> Objet : [Fiware-wpl] Instructions for resubmission of FI-WARE Technical Roadmap Dear colleagues, Please find here the instructions to be followed to generate a new version of the Technical Roadmap deliverable to be published on the public Wiki and be resubmitted to the EC. The instructions are pretty simple and the best way to explain them is by referring to the example I have created on the private wiki: That example is based on the current contents of the Technical Roadmap linked to the Apps Chapter. Based on that, the steps to follow are: * Update the Introduction: * We should make a reference to contents of the FI-WARE Architecture and Open Specifications part of the wiki, rather than the FI-WARE Product Vision (at the time at which the first version of the Technical Roadmap, the Architecture and Open Specifications didn't exist, but this is no longer the case) * You should also refer to the page dealing with Release and Sprint numbering, with reference to calendar dates. * All of this may be done by simple copy&paste from the reference example. * Description of first Major Release: * The high-level description you had there will be kept, although I have introduced some minor changes in the text to refer to make it clear it was a high-level description (because details will follow). Check the differences between the provided example and the Technical Roadmap of the Apps Chapter currently published on the Wiki. * You will add a table which illustrate, one row per FI-WARE GE planned in the first Major Release, the features that will be supported. The table shall be preceded by the paragraph: * For a more detailed description of features provided, you can refer to the following table which help to identify what Backlog Features will be supported for each FI-WARE GE: * You will see that table in the reference example, with the details of some of the FI-WARE GEs. I have based them on info available in the public part of the Apps Chapter Backlog available on the public wiki. Essentially, you just need to include the references to the Backlog Features that have been addressed in the first Release for each FI-WARE GE (note this list should also include Features supported by the baseline assets) * When you distinguished between the delivery by end of July and by end of September, the above three points indeed apply per each (section for the release by end of July and section for the release by end of September) * Description of second Mayor Release: * The high-level description you had there will be kept, although I have introduced some minor changes in the text to refer to make it clear it was a high-level description (because details will follow). Check the differences between the provided example and the Technical Roadmap of the Apps Chapter currently published on the Wiki. * You will add a table which illustrate, one row per FI-WARE GE planned in the first Major Release, the features that have already been planned or the Epics that will be analyzed and further refine which it is foreseen will lead to specification of Features to be planned as part of the second release. The table shall be preceded by the paragraph: * For a more detailed description of features to be provided, you can refer to the following table which help to identify what Backlog Features have already been specified and planned for the second Major Release of FI-WARE (and indication of the minor release is provided). The table also contain Epics currently under analysis which most probably will lead to the identification of Backlog Features to be planned also in the second Major Release * You will see that table in the reference example, with the details of some of the FI-WARE GEs. I have based them on info available in the public part of the Apps Chapter Backlog available on the public wiki. However, since there were no Backlog Features still planned, I have just created some fictitious features to make the reference example complete. If a FI-WARE GE does have Epics, but not Features, then write down "(not yet specified)" in the column about Features. * Regarding links to Features/Epics. They should be wiki references, as they appear in the reference example. No problem if they do not resolve in the FI-WARE Private Wiki, they should work once translated into the public Wiki * Description of Future Releases: * I believe we can keep this part as it is now I have prepared a section with placeholders for your contributions at: Please get them ready by Tuesday 12:00pm CET. It shouldn't be that difficult if you made a good exercise updating Epic/Features in the Backlog. During the rest of August, you should update the stakeholder field of each Epic/Feature in the backlog. Please do it with the best of your knowledge. Put "FI-WARE partners" if an Epic/Feature doesn't come from an UC project but was there within our original plans. Add the name of a UC project if you already know they are looking for it (based, for example, on feedback from the educational sessions). We will ask UC projects in parallel to review the Epics/Features on the wiki and add the name of their project in the plan to use the GE and wish to use the functionality linked to that Epic/Feature. Best regards, -- Juanjo ------------- Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital website:<> email: jhierro at<mailto:jhierro at> twitter: FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Chief Architect You can follow FI-WARE at: website: facebook: twitter: linkedIn: ________________________________ Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico en el enlace situado más abajo. This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. We only send and receive email on the basis of the terms set out at. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. 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