[Fiware-security] WP3-WP8 cooperation report

BISSON Pascal pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com
Sat Jan 21 16:21:11 CET 2012

THanks Francesco to you and Slim for this presentation.

To be discussed with you and others when we meet.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : DI CERBO, Francesco [mailto:francesco.di.cerbo at sap.com] 
Envoyé : vendredi 20 janvier 2012 16:59
À : BISSON Pascal
Cc : fiware-security at lists.fi-ware.eu; TRABELSI, Slim
Objet : WP3-WP8 cooperation report

Hello Pascal,

Please find the attached presentation about WP3-WP8 cooperation, as requested in the last CC, developed by Slim and myself. With respect to T8.4 presentation, we are still working on it, but due to other commitments, I think we will not be able to send you by EOB today; it will more or less recap the contents of the wiki page we worked on yesterday, anyway.

Best regards, 


Francesco Di Cerbo, PhD
SAP Labs France
805, avenue Maurice Donat
Font de l'Orme
BP 1216
06250 Mougins Cedex
Tel. +33 4 92 28 64 45
e-mail: Francesco.Di.Cerbo at sap.com

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