[Fiware-security] TR: [Fiware-pcc] Report on conversation with our PO on status of the FI-WARE project

BISSON Pascal pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com
Tue Jul 24 12:38:33 CEST 2012


-----Message d'origine-----
De : fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] De la part de Juanjo Hierro
Envoyé : mardi 24 juillet 2012 01:14
À : fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu; fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu; fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu
Objet : [Fiware-pcc] Report on conversation with our PO on status of the FI-WARE project

Hi all,

    I have had a confcall with our PO where we have addressed a number of important issues and have discussed about general status of the
project and the program.   This email is trying to share with you
information about what has been discussed.

   Don't hesitate to share this information with members of your respective chapter/WP teams.

   As I have already reported in a previous mail, the first thing we discussed had to do with how to manage deliverables linked to software
and Installation/Administration Guides marked as PP.   I hope this
solves major concerns raised by some of the partners.

   Second point that was addressed had to do with measurements defined
to avoid further delays in meeting defined deadlines.   PO is backing us
on the decision taken and welcome them.   Even in the case that TID were
not legally able to reject submission of financial/cost statements (something he doubts because he believes it can), he believes that TID not only can but must identify financial/costs reports TID believes are not in line with what is the actual work carried out and the EC would
take decisions accordingly.    Nevertheless, I shared with the PO that
we believe that all partners will do their best to comply with the defined milestones not just to avoid implementation of the defined
measurements but for the sake of the project.   I believe that the PO
feels confident about the status but let's try not to let him down.

   I reported about the status of the Testbed and the contingency plan
that we put in place.   He seemed to be fine with that.

   I asked him about the 1st year FI-WARE Review Report and he told me
that we shouldn't expect this earlier than mid August.    I explained
Arian our plans regarding resubmission of the Technical Roadmap (in line with what we proposed during the 1st year FI-WARE Review meeting) and he
seemed to be fine with them.    He confirmed the relevance of the white
paper describing the encompassing usage of GEs.   I already announced
him that it would be rather difficult to get it finished by the end of July because we are all so busy. It seemed that his major concern was to to make sure it be ready before an Information Day regarding the phase 2 of the FI-PPP that the EC has planned by August 30 in Brussels.

   I reported also that we were working hard on the deliverable regarding 3rd party innovation enablement and trying to get it ready by
end of July or, if not, just a few days later.   He seemed to be happy
with that.

   Regarding results of the 1st Open Call, Arian expects that the next step will be that we elaborate an amendment of the DoW which incorporates the new partners and their description of work. However, we agreed that such DoW amendment should try to go after the one where we will try to incorporate all pending changes which were summarized and agreed during the last PCC meetings.

   He was ok with the planning of the second Open Call but would like to see the third Open Call later than what we proposed (January next year instead of end of October) in order to allow incorporation of topics that may be demanded by UC trials selected in phase 2 (hearings are
planned to end beginning of December this year).    I proposed him the
possibility to formulate the 2nd Open Call so that it may consider topics with different closing dates for final publication of Epics and
different submission deadlines.   This would allow to incorporate topics
like Security in this 2nd Open Call.   Arian believes this may be
feasible.   Definitively, I will propose discussing this during the
confcall of the FI-PPP AB that will take place this week.

   I think this was all.   I'm happy to respond any question that you
may have.

   Best regards,

-- Juanjo

Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
website: www.tid.es
email: jhierro at tid.es
twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Chief Architect

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