Hello Pascal, The issue is in the page naming scheme. DB Anonymizer Open Specification has this page name : FIWARE.OpenSpecification.Security.Optional_Security_Enablers.DBAnonymizer Which is the one that was tested in the cockpit page: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fi-ware-private/index.php/Open_specification_resubmission_cockpit While in the page you checked, DB Anonymizer Open Specification was referenced with the page name: FIWARE.OpenSpecification.Security.DBAnonymizer Which was indeed a redirect to the Open API specification. Now I copied the same contents in both pages, in order to fix quickly the issue. However, we should take a decision on how to define page names for Optional Security Enablers, in order to avoid such situation in the future. Best, Francesco From: BISSON Pascal [mailto:pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com] Sent: jeudi 11 octobre 2012 12:13 To: GIDOIN Daniel; antonio.garcia at atosresearch.eu; Susana Gonzalez Zarzosa; MUSARAJ Kreshnik; DI CERBO, Francesco; TRABELSI, Slim; Michael Osborne; ext Anja Lehmann; Seidl, Robert (NSN - DE/Munich); Wolfgang.Steigerwald at telekom.de; Goetze, Norbert (NSN - DE/Munich); Meyer, Gerald (NSN - DE/Munich); GASPARD Lucie Cc: BISSON Pascal; Fiware-security at lists.fi-ware.eu Subject: FI-WARE Open Specifications - re-structured - Report on status + Request Actions to be performed by some of the task leads/GE owners (so please PROCEED Urgently !) Importance: High Dear All, This message is mainly targeted to Task lead and/or GE owners. It relates to a quick check I did perform the work done by Task leads/GE owners regarding the re-structuring of the contents of the wiki that relate to GEs in our Security chapter. I based my review on what is now made available at: http://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Summary_of_FI-WARE_Open_Specifications#Security_Chapter According to quick scan I've performed I noticed that: · Security Monitoring is pending and as such can't be assessed. @Daniel/@Kreshnik I know you are working on it but please make it available asap and ensure compliance to the template (see other GEs e.g. Data Handling or Privacy GE which followed that template) · Context-based security and Compliance GE, Data Handling GE, Privacy GE and Secure Storage Optional GE have been entered following instructions provided and are such can be assessed as conformant to the template provided (since they include Copyright section, Legal Notice, etc. So thanks to ATOS/Susana, SAP/Slim,Francesco, IBM/Michael,Anja and Thales(TAI)/Lucie who own those GEs. In the meantime I can only encourage them to perform final check to be sure they are fully conformant to what was requested. · IdM GE the way it has been entered is not conformant to the established template. So please NSN/Robert (with support of DT/Wolfgang whenever requested) make it conformant asap. · DB Anonimyzer GE is pending even if we may find a link the Open Spec API (preliminary for that GE). So please SAP/Francesco address and add that GE the way it should be (i.e. following instructions provided and making it compliant to the template provided). Counting on each of the Task leads and GE owners having actions to perform to have them performed by EOB today to close the work on this. This simply because we are already beyond of schedule and have other actions to engage in. Many thanks in advance for your cooperation and support and yes this will be re-assessed tomorrow at our weekly audio conf. Best Regards, Pascal PS: Just to remind you about our goal here and instructions which were already provided to perform the work and comply to the template shared/agreed among each of the Chapters: The goal is to create a wiki page per GE that comprise the complete specification of the GE. Those wiki pages will help to produce the final FI-WARE GE Open Specifications deliverables to be resubmitted. You can easily produce the wiki page associated to a given GE by following the template with instructions provided at: https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fi-ware-private/index.php/Open_specification_resubmission_template Probably, a first step before generating this page for the GE <GE-name> in Chapter <Chapter-name> is to modify the Architecture Description wiki page linked to that GE referred as FIWARE.ArchitectureDescription.<Chapter-name>.<GE-name>. As indicated in the template+instructions above, you should introduce the following changes in the Architecture Description wiki page: * You should include a Copyright section which lists the copyright holders * You should include a Legal Notice section which incudes a reference to the Legal Notice that applies to your GE specifications * You should include a description of the intended use/role of the GE in the Introduction section of the FI-WARE Architecture Description wiki page itself. You can reuse the information already provided in the FI-WARE_Product_Vision in section "Target usage" of your chapter/GE, but please duplicate the current information. * Create a new page on the wiki named as FIWARE.OpenSpecification.Details.<chapter-name>.<ge-name>, where the contents of the "Open Specifications" section in the Architecture Description wiki page will be copied. Ø Please all GE owners check you duly created that new page. * Drop the section "Open Specifications" that was there within the wiki page associated to the Architecture Description (you have copied its contents now in the new FIWARE.OpenSpecification.Details.<chapter-name>.<ge-name> page) * On the RESTful open API specification of your GE the Intended Audience needs to be revised it should be changed to address reimplementers as potential target users: "This specification is intended for both software developers and <any other potential user if applies>. For the former, this document provides a full specification of how to "This specification is intended for both software developers and reimplementers of this API. For the former, this document provides a full specification of how to <explain-1>. Making the above changes per Achitecture Description of a given GE and then creating the corresponding wiki page for the complete Open Specifications is a task that may not take more than a few minutes per GE. WPL/WPA takes care of the whole chapter revision himself with the help of Task leads/GE owners. TID already produced the wikipages for the Glossaries of all chapters and fixed their inline inclusion for the current wiki pages of the FI-WARE Product Vision. This to save us some time ... -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/old-fiware-security/attachments/20121011/03860f36/attachment.html>
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