Dear GE owners, I'm forwarding you this emai regarding a number of actions each of the Security GE owners have to perform to better state individual exploitation plan regarding their GE and as such answer a demand from the EC and reviewers we got at last review (also stated in review report). AP each of the GE owners to carefully check the action to be performed and try to have it done according to the set deadline November 1st (by the date information requested should have been entered on the wiki. Another Action we will discuss also at today's audio conf starting at 11am. Best Regards, Pascal De : fiware-exploitation-bounces at [mailto:fiware-exploitation-bounces at] De la part de Juan Bareño Guerenabarrena Envoyé : mardi 23 octobre 2012 12:49 À : fiware-exploitation at Objet : [Fiware-exploitation] FI WARE Platform- Individual Exploitation Plans into the wiki Dear Colleagues Please remember, that apart from review FI WARE Platform Strategy document and send comments, you have to complete the individual exploitation plans answering the main business questions stemming from the review, on the wiki, where each industrial partner has a slot Please involve your business departments to provide a detailed answer: o Identify the key segments, to avoid entering in the untenable situation of "FI-WARE is good for everyone and for every task"- "Two sided market"- End Users and Developers o Identify the main channels will be used to reach the various customer segments (Developers and End Users) and the marketing tools should be designed to be usable by the internal sales force. o Identify the right strategy to ecosystem management and consequently attract as much developers as we can o How , Telecom service provider, Network equipment and mobile terminal manufacturers, Software vendors, IT Providers and IT solution integrators will make money individually from FIWARE Platform? Licensing, advertising, selling apps, hosting service, increase data traffic, data storage § You must indicate your role within the ecosystem and revenue streams. For example Atos provide software, licensing, but we will participate as integrator of FI WARE Instances, in the massive business generation when all the developers join FI WARE - All your contributions for FI WARE Strategy definition document have to be received before next 1st November to prepare a final version to deliver before the 8th November Thanks for your contribution Juan From: Juan Bareño Guerenabarrena Sent: martes, 23 de octubre de 2012 12:35 To: antonio cimmino (antonio.cimmino at<mailto:antonio.cimmino at>) Cc: Sandfuchs, Thorsten (thorsten.sandfuchs at<mailto:thorsten.sandfuchs at>); Nuria De-Lama Sanchez (nuria.delama at<mailto:nuria.delama at>) Subject: Alcatel-Lucent Italia S.P.A. Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG Business questions Dear Antonio Thanks for your inputs provided in the wiki, but we need a more detailed and concrete answers, particularly: how Alcatel in particularly is going to make money? - Licensing, as software provider - Network and data storage capacity provider... - You must indicate your role within the ecosystem and revenue streams. For example Atos provide software, licensing, but we will participate as integrator in the massive business generation when all the developers join FI WARE For example: - On the one hand ATOS, as software component provider to build Generic Enables (GE). In particular, and of especial interest for ATOS, the ones related to security aspects and applications services - On the other hand, ATOS as a big company and integrator has a strong interest in participating in the Phase 3 massive business generation. Atos as integrator of FI WARE Instances, GE+ component developed by an application developer, and increase its portfolio to address main market demands as ATOS itself has no possibility of reaching all the business applications demanded by the customers, however, in collaboration with other business actors (normally SMEs) the range of the full solution to be offered increases dramatically. The integration with other companies also offers our potential solutions a flexibility that sometimes, products and/or services provided by bug companies do not have by themselves. ATOS main interest is therefore to be part of the business explosion that Phase 3 will represent how Alcatel in particularly is going to sell FI WARE Platform? - Own channels, name of developers, final users - Process sale description, for example how to approach smart cities.. - Globalization, where operate Alcatel and where is expected to provide.. Alcatel-Lucent Italia S.P.A. Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG ________________________________ ________________________________ * Which customers do we want to serve? The innovations and revolutions on Future Internet are of interest for all types of end users, providers and over the top actors. Taking into account the relevance of the Generic Enablers introduced by FI-WARE in the area of, e.g., IoT, QoS and Cloud, as a first selection in the area of B2B customers, we can identify the public sector and strategic industries within the smart city sector. These market players are always searching for flexible, secure and reliable Internet based infrastructures including smart actuator and sensor networks. As far as QoS and Cloud Internet is concerned, another promising sectors comprise the over the top provisioning of multimedia streaming and content , but also ISPs that can be enabled for new business models based on assured quality (enhancing a business model for which already today end users are already paying and demanding). * Which channels will be used to reach the various customer segments? We will continue to use the existing channels to our customers, but if there will emerge new tools and opportunities provided by the FI-WARE platform these will be explored accordingly, too. Furthermore, new B2B models are likely to emerge among existing and new actors. * Which benefits are the participants going to take to the market thanks to FIWARE? New tools and ICT infrastrutures for the internal R&D activities are expected to be faster on the market. New requirements for systems can be agreed in advance together with customers participating in FI-WARE. * How are the benefits going to be sold? Bearing in mind that most of the benefits can be sold around the the individually generated foreground, the architectures behind the 'open networking and interfaces' developed in I2ND shall be the key aspects. A possible way to monetize them is seen in the commercialization of proprietary systems (network elements) of Alcatel-Lucent , enriched with enhancement from FI-WARE. * How will the sales process work? If we image that the 'end industrialized product' that will be sold will be a new Internet platform for the future then all providers will compete with each other's solutions / value propositions developed for the Future Internet. * Globalisation of the exploitation plan We expect that the FI-WARE dissemination and exploitation shall continue to be global with all interested partners after the project will have ended. This will strenghten the position of FI-WARE proponents and FI-WARE compliant products on the market compared with solutions which have to start from the scratch. * How will make money from FIWARE Platform? IaaS and SaaS shall be target technologies behind the FIWARE platform that may represent source for revenue [cid:image001.png at 01CDB11A.DC121110] Juan Bareño Global Innovation, Business Development & Strategy Research & Innovation +34 912148859 Calle Albarracín 25, 28037 Madrid juan.bareno at<mailto:juan.bareno at><> [cid:image002.gif at 01CDB11A.DC121110] ------------------------------------------------------------------ This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy it. As its integrity cannot be secured on the Internet, the Atos group liability cannot be triggered for the message content. 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