[Fiware-security] (no subject)

DANGERVILLE Cyril cyril.dangerville at thalesgroup.com
Tue May 14 18:08:42 CEST 2013

Regarding the Access Control - User and Programmers Guide, I addressed the comment, i.e. the request to have the basic structure pattern: Introduction; User Guide; Programmer Guide.


De : fiware-security-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-security-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] De la part de BISSON Pascal
Envoyé : lundi 13 mai 2013 16:58
À : fiware-security at lists.fi-ware.eu; Meyer, Gerald (NSN - DE/Munich); Goetze, Norbert (NSN - DE/Munich)
Objet : [Fiware-security] (no subject)

Dear Colleagues,

Attached please find the review of GEs' V2 User & Programmer Guides which has been performed by Manuel (TID)

Please have a look and make the necessary corrections and also inform me once done.

Also to be discussed at tomorrow's audio conf (10am).

Best Regards,
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