[Fiware-security] FI-WARE WP8 Weekly audio conf

TRABELSI, Slim slim.trabelsi at sap.com
Fri Nov 29 09:51:39 CET 2013

Hi Pascal,

Sorry for the last minute notification, nut Francesco and myself are in a training today and we are not able to attend the meeting. We will carefully go through to minutes that you will send. If there is very urgent issues for us ;please send us an e-mail in order to handle it as quick as possible.

Thank you

-----Original Appointment-----
From: BISSON Pascal [mailto:pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com]
Sent: mercredi 12 septembre 2012 11:43
To: BISSON Pascal; fiware-security at lists.fi-ware.eu
Subject: [Fiware-security] FI-WARE WP8 Weekly audio conf
When: vendredi 29 novembre 2013 10:00-12:00 (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris.
Where: Meeting Room Number: 391581

Quand : A lieu chaque vendredi à compter du 14/09/2012 jusqu'au 25/04/2014 de 10:00 à 12:00 (GMT+01:00) Bruxelles, Copenhague, Madrid, Paris.
Emplacement : Meeting Room Number: 391581

Remarque : le décalage GMT ci-dessus ne tient pas compte des réglages de l'heure d'été.


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  Australia   Australia Toll Free   1800 005 574
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Austria   Vienna   +43 (0) 2682 205 6609
Belgium   Brussels   +32 (0) 2 789 8678
Denmark   Copenhagen   +45 3271 4340
Finland   Helsinki   +358 (0) 923 142 830
France   Lyon   +33 (0) 426 840 285
France   Marseille   +33 (0) 488 915 385
France   Paris   +33 (0) 170 994 816
Germany   Berlin   +49 (0) 3072 616 7342
Germany   Düsseldorf   +49 (0) 2115 407 3902
Germany   Frankfurt   +49 (0) 6971 044 5635
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Germany   Munich   +49 (0) 8924 443 2893
Germany   Stuttgart   +49 (0) 7111 856 2130
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Israel   Israel Toll Free   1809 245 981
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Italy   Rome   +39 0 645 217 056
Italy   Turin   +39 0 112 179 2159
Japan   Japan Toll Free   005 311 212 65
Japan   Tokyo   +81 (0) 357 675 025
Korea, Republic Of   Seoul   +82 (0) 234 831 224
Luxembourg   Luxemburg City   +352 2700 41 42
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Netherlands   Amsterdam   +31 (0) 207 948 529
New Zealand   Auckland   +64 (0) 9 919 2428
Norway   Oslo   +47 2153 3919
Poland   Poland Toll Free   0080 0121 1304
Portugal   Portugal Toll Free   800 814 183
Russia   Russia Toll Free   81080 02209 4011
Singapore   Singapore   +65 6622 1068
Spain   Barcelona   +34 93 492 3235
Spain   Madrid   +34 91 788 9908
Sweden   Stockholm   +46 (0) 850 520 145
Switzerland   Geneva   +41 (0) 225 927 428
United Kingdom   Birmingham   +44 (0) 121 260 4686
United Kingdom   London   +44 (0) 207 153 9902
United Kingdom   Manchester   +44 (0) 161 250 0679
United States   USA & Canada Toll Free   1888 249 0050
United States   USA Toll   +1 954 334 1559

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