Dear Stefano, concerning I2ND I confirm that the first release will include the Cloud Edge GE only. The list we provided earlier for completion of the testbed deliverable has been revised, according to the agreement with Juanjo to limit the GEs in this release to those strictly able to be integrated in the testbed. As some of the I2ND ones, although available in their preliminary implementation, would be stand-alone only, then they were not inserted in the technical roadmap. Happy Easter to you all too! BR Pier Da: fiware-wpl-bounces at [mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at] Per conto di stefano de panfilis Inviato: mercoledì 4 aprile 2012 13:27 A: fiware-wpl at; fiware-wpa at Cc: fiware-testbed at Oggetto: [Fiware-wpl] URGENT: TestBed Integration Plan Check dear all, in order to set-up th eplan for the deplyment of the various ge implementations (to start on 1st may 2012) we made a check between our d10.1.a built interviewing all the chapters from the madrid meeting on (list og GE based on the "Fi-WARE Architecture" deliverbale) and the "FIWARE Technical Roadmap" recently delivered where, in principle, we should have the same ge .... actually it is not completely the case! i kindly ask each chapter leader to verify the correspondences telling us which are the generic enablers implementations which still exist and which will be deplyed M12. In particular i need: 1. apps&sevices - mistmatch identified: "Composition Editor" (original) and "Composition & Mashups" 2. cloud - mistmaches identified: 2.1 - Monitoring GE is a new one? if yes, please provide HW-SW requirements 2.2 - Identity Management is a new one or it comes from the Security chapter? if it is a new one please provide HW-SW requirements 3. IoT - mistmatch identified: ALL GEs have different names, can you please provide a corespondence with "old" names, or provide new info? 4. Data - mistmatches identified: 4.1 - "Multimedia Analysis" (original) and "Multimedia Query Broker", is the same, correct? 4.2 - "Localization Platform" (original) and "Localization Server", is the same, correct? 4.3 - "Meta-data Annotation" is a new one? if yes, please provide HW-SW requirements 5. I2ND - mistmatch identified: only Cloud Edge will be delivered at M12. correct? 6. Security - mistmatch identified: "Secure Storage Service" is a new one? if yes, please provide HW-SW requirements I need this by the next wpl/wpa call ....... :-) in the mean time Happy Easter to you and your beloved!!! ciao, stefano -- Stefano De Panfilis Chief Innovation Officer Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. via Riccardo Morandi 32 00148 Roma Italy tel (direct): +39-068307-4295 tel (secr.): +39-068307-4513 fax: +39-068307-4200 cell: +39-335-7542-567 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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