[Fiware-testbed] we are coonected, please join the wp1p weekly phc!

Moltchanov Boris boris.moltchanov at telecomitalia.it
Wed Mar 28 19:12:33 CEST 2012

Hi Stefano,

my proposal is something more then just such a short information as you designed. I need information about what is going one in more details, even if synthetic. I would prefer to have at like a live RSS feeder with short description of the testbed life. Just as from my example.

NO documents and complex pictures, YES dates, installation/integration status (installed there and integrated into...) with physical location, IP addresses and port numbers + relevant test-bed SW. And also important YES what is expected for certain dates: dd/mm/yy - testbed installed and integration of GE started -> all GE shall be deployed and running separately, integration is starting progress.

Access to this information, even if in private, shall be easy, obvious and naturally from main page of the project in order to avoid cascades of the folders, drilling into the web pages or disparately searching entire wiki. It shall be a really monitor immediate to access and get in clear what, when, who and how.


Best Regards,

From: ste.depanfilis at gmail.com [mailto:ste.depanfilis at gmail.com] On Behalf Of stefano de panfilis
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 6:47 PM
To: Moltchanov Boris
Cc: fiware-testbed at lists.fi-ware.eu
Subject: Re: [Fiware-testbed] we are coonected, please join the wp1p weekly phc!

dear boris and all,

here is an implementation of boris proposal.
please comment on it by thursday e.o.b. so we can implement it in the project forge.

2012/3/26 Moltchanov Boris <boris.moltchanov at telecomitalia.it<mailto:boris.moltchanov at telecomitalia.it>>
Dear All in WP10,

here is my idea:

purpose - to have in a URI link all the LIVING information about the TEST-BED:

WiKi Page: Test-bed Work in Progress Status:

MILESTONE T0:  Starting Test-bed's live EXPECTED: TB is up and running PLANNED: 01/04/2012  EFFECTIVE: 15/04/2012 STATUS: <Executive summary> and Link to the document what is done, D10.1 including the arch (link) is issued.

>> UNDERLINK The test bad is provided by bla-bla, is hostet by bla-bla, and is consisting of bla-bla. The access is IPs, ports, firewall configuration, suggested configuration for proxies, to whom contact for the VM configuration, whom contact in case of poblems...

MILESTONE T1: Starting GE deployments EXPECTED: 1st GEs release installed and running ,maybe link to a more detailed information. PLANNED: 15/04/2012 EFFECTIVE: 15/04/2012 STATUS: GEs bla-bla are installed and running, GE xyz is under integration in progress, GE zyw is experiencing problem and a part of it is running, etc ,maybe also here a link to the text and to eventual deliverables>

DEADLINE D0: TB readiness EXPECTED: TB is ready and open for UCPs PLANNED: 01/07/2012 EFFECTIVE: dd/mm/yyyy STATUS: Milestones T0 is accomplished, Milestone T1 is under execution



All the milestone and deadlines, thus entire test-bed live shall be already "reserved" there with the names of the phases, expected dates and short description of what those phases are.

In the page shall be the <last update> notion in order to know to what date the status is referred to and who are the contact person for this page or maybe test-bed reference (as a clearing house by ENG or WP10).

This info is very useful for us - the project executors in order to have what, when and how is expected to do and effectively done, in a synthetic (therefore clear), unique (therefore time effective, no need to search) and evident (no repudiation saying "I didn't know", "I didn't see", "nobody said to me"...). And this will be our working "document" (wiki place) to update and refer in the audio-conferences.

Some of this living roadmap may be time-to-time opened (by public links maybe) to outside to have published spots about the TB to external world (UCPs and other evaluators, academics and users).

Then, a part of this we may have mutithousand pages deliverables to read by reviewers and commission accordingly to the DoW left to the project, which I believe is not efficient as a living agile document but I see then as a sort of extended report of what is performed.



From: fiware-testbed-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-testbed-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-testbed-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-testbed-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu>] On Behalf Of stefano de panfilis
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 4:12 PM
To: fiware-testbed at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-testbed at lists.fi-ware.eu>
Subject: [Fiware-testbed] we are coonected, please join the wp1p weekly phc!


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