[Fiware-testbed] New GE on IoT Chapter

t.elsaleh at surrey.ac.uk t.elsaleh at surrey.ac.uk
Mon Feb 25 13:23:30 CET 2013

Hello Stefano,

University of Surrey will be introducing a new GE in the IoT chapter for the second release (i.e. IoT Discovery Engine GE).

Would you be able to point us to what information is required to be filled, and where to provide it (wiki, email etc.)? as we have not released a GE for the first release

Best regards,

Tarek Elsaleh
Research Assistant
Centre for Commuication Systems Research (CCSR)
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Surrey
Guildford, GU2 7XH
Tel: 01483 689485
Centre for Communication Systems Research (CCSR)
Organisers and hosts of European Wireless 2013 - www.EW2013.org<http://www.EW2013.org>

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