[Fiware-testbed] Preparing GEs for the OIL

HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS henar at tid.es
Fri Jul 12 12:50:59 CEST 2013

Dear all

In order to make easier the installation of the GEs in the OIL, let's try to create image from the Global Instance when you have created it. Thus:

-           When you install your software, take into account that it should be installed as a service, and it should not have any configuration property which depends on the current IP.

-          before creating your image, you need to remove the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules.

-          After that, you can go Edit your Instance, and create an snapshot of your instance

-          Once the snapshot has been created, go to Edit it and specify the snapshot as public. In this case, your snapshot will be an image which everybody can instantiate.

-          Finally, deploy a VM from your image, and check everything is ok.

Please, don't forget to install your GE in the testbed and update the cockpit
Thanks in advance,

Enviado el: miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013 10:22
Para: 'fiware-ge-owners at lists.fi-ware.eu'
CC: 'fiware-testbed at lists.fi-ware.eu'
Asunto: Installation of GEs in the testbed

Dear GE owners

As you know, we need to have the GEs installed in the testbed, the sanity checks passed and the information introduced in the catalogue by the end of this month. The way to monitor this task is the cockpit [1].

Just to let you know, there are  % progress column, one for the Global Instance status and the other one for the Dedicated Instance:

-          1.- A GE as a global instance means as a service. It is going to be a GE instance which is going to be shared by all the UCs, and whose service endpoint is going to appear in the catalogue. For Global instances, we have the following progress status:

o   40% VM deploy: You should deploy a VM in the testbed to install your GE software. For installing a VM in the testbed, please have a look at the wiki [2].

o   60%: GE installed. You have installed the GE software in the VM

o   70%: sanity checks passed. Testbed people has passed the sanity checks of your GE

o   80%: Your GE is correctly in the catalogue

-          2.- A GE as a dedicated instance. In this case, each UC can have an instance of your GE. To get this, you can create an image from your dedicated instance, using the Cloud capabilities or creating recipes. It is going to be a webminar on 17th for explaining how. According to it, the status for dedicated instances is:

o   20=image generated: You have created the GE image by using the Cloud capabilities.

o   30: image ok: Testbed people check that this image is ok, deploy a VM from this image and passing sanity checks

o   40=recipes generated: You have create the recipes

o   50: recipes ok: Testbed people check that the recipes are ok.

o    60: Information in the catalogue. The information is stores in the catalogue.

Thus, please update the cockpit with your GE status.
If you have any doubt, you can contact me.

[1] https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/testbed/index.php/Testbed_V2_Implementation_Cockpit#Cockpit
[2] https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/testbed/index.php/Testbed_V2_Operation_Cockpit


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