[Fiware-testbed] Deliverable 10.5.1 rejected

Miguel Carrillo mcp at tid.es
Fri Mar 15 16:35:54 CET 2013

I will possibly not be able to join the call either way

El 15/03/2013 16:26, stefano de panfilis escribió:
dear all,

are you available at 16:00?
please can anybody provide a phc bridge?


2013/3/15 Clara M Pezuela Robles <clara.pezuela at atosresearch.eu<mailto:clara.pezuela at atosresearch.eu>>
Stefano, I have another confcall on Tuesday at 17:00, so I could only attend half an hour unless you shift it a bit earlier


Clara Pezuela
Head of IT Sector
Research and Innovation Group
Atos Spain SA
Clara.pezuela at atos.net<mailto:Clara.pezuela at atos.net>
+34 91 214 8609<tel:%2B34%2091%20214%208609>
+34 675 62 9974<tel:%2B34%20675%2062%209974>

From: fiware-testbed-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-testbed-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-testbed-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-testbed-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu>] On Behalf Of stefano de panfilis
Sent: viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013 15:16
To: Miguel Carrillo
Cc: fiware-testbed at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-testbed at lists.fi-ware.eu>
Subject: Re: [Fiware-testbed] Deliverable 10.5.1 rejected (was: FW: [Fiware-wpa] Fwd: FI-WARE 4th Review meeting: Outcome Letter & Review report)

dear miguel and all,
i think first we have to analyse between ourselves and than put at the attention of wpl/wpa weekly phc.
there are detials that most of the other wpl wont understand while we need, of course their help. so it is much better to get there with a clear proposal.
as a first comment, btw, i do not agree with reviewers comments. i think we were not able to communicate that the questionnaire had been produced in agreemnt with the uc projects, so is fi-ppp common effort not just fi-ware.
certainly we should link the comments with the current epics, but this will be our work.
for this purpose being holiday in spain on next monday, i suggest to postpone our wp10 phc on tuesday at 16:30.

the problem is that i do not have access to phc bridges with local for numbers to provide you all. can anyone of you provide one?
otherwise we go for pownow.

2013/3/13 Miguel Carrillo <mcp at tid.es<mailto:mcp at tid.es>>
Dear all,

Thorsten is right in asking what to do. Resubmission is not needed but we either way there is a new issue for April where we should have it clear how to handle it. They actually do not ask to resubmit because they expect to find a suitable new version with something more convincing.

Thorsten did a good job or at least this is what I think, at least taking into account the situation. But the reviewers basically complain that the document does not serve its purpose. It is strongly related to Task 10.5 in the DoW if I am right and it is clear that the process did not reach the heights that we expected. The document clearly reflects it and this is why they object. Now  we need to think what to do (if we can do anything at all). We need to discuss this maybe in the weekly call at WPL/WPA level (next week it will happen on Tuesday, due to a holiday on Monday in Spain)

Best regards,

El 12/03/2013 15:48, BISSON Pascal escribió:
Hi Thorsten,

For me D10.5.1 even if rejected doesn’t require resubmission simply because as stated in the review report: “the next iterative version is due in the next review period.

See the way things are stated on page 5 of the Review 4 report.

The following deliverables are rejected:
• D2.4.1b (being a re-submission)
• D4.1.1b (being a re-submission)
• D4.5.1
• D5.1.1b (being a re-submission)
• D10.4.1
• D10.5.1
• D10.5.1
None of the above deliverables requires resubmission, as the next iterative version is due in
the next review period. As this is an interim review, no cost assessments are given.

Best Regards,
De : fiware-testbed-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-testbed-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-testbed-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] De la part de Sandfuchs, Thorsten
Envoyé : mardi 12 mars 2013 13:21
À : fiware-testbed at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-testbed at lists.fi-ware.eu>
Objet : [Fiware-testbed] Deliverable 10.5.1 rejected (was: FW: [Fiware-wpa] Fwd: FI-WARE 4th Review meeting: Outcome Letter & Review report)

Dear colleagues,
Can you please help me to understand what the reject of the Deliverable 10.5.1 “means”? Reviewers do reject our deliverable, but do not want any resubmissions, without giving clear guidance on how to mitigate the situation (relevant text attached below). They clearly see the discrepancy between the DoW and the work carried out, but as this was agreed on the AB level, I do not think that we have a major clinch here – or do we? At least the reviewers leave it open :(

So what do YOU think we should do?

I would be happy if we can setup a dedicated call on this review-report for WP10 in due time.

Best regards,


D10.5.1 Report on Validation Process including Validation with Use Case projects
This deliverable outlines the designed and recommended validation process for the use cases
to follow. Additionally the initial feedback survey, which was initiate and send to the use
case projects and the main findings are outlined.
The validation process described in the document is generally well thought and detailed;
however, it has been devised without sufficient consideration of the FI-WARE project and
FI-WARE Releases.
The validation approach is also considered insufficient, in view of what is envisaged in the
DoW in supporting Use Case projects on deployment, execution and validation of the
conceptual prototypes in respect of the available GEs. According to the deliverable, the
design phase of FI-WARE incorporates requirements that have been successfully
communicated from the Use Cases Projects to the FI-WARE chapters. As the link between
Use Case requirements and the actual content of the individual chapters is not readily
traceable, this has a significant impact on the validation, and the extent to which the Agile
best practices have been embraced. As explained in the document, there is no tight linkage
between the defined requirements and the features provided by the GE providers. Hence, the
validation and requirements evaluation will not be based on a requirements matrix, but will
follow an open questionnaire approach. The available questionnaire is presently basic, and is
a long way off from providing the validation required to enrich the characterisation of Use
Case scenarios (as a contribution towards Phase 2 trials) and generally boost GE uptake.
Additionally, how testing and evaluation would be conducted in relation to the non-functional
capabilities that are listed for the first releases in the Technical Roadmap is yet to be
Deliverable D10.5.1 is rejected. No re-submission is required,

From: fiware-wpa-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-wpa-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-wpa-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of Juanjo Hierro
Sent: Dienstag, 12. März 2013 12:14
To: fiware at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware at lists.fi-ware.eu>; fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu>; fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu>
Subject: [Fiware-wpa] Fwd: FI-WARE 4th Review meeting: Outcome Letter & Review report

Dear partners,

  I forward to you without even reading it yet to avoid any delay.

  I'll come to this after I read it carefully.

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo


Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital

website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es>

email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>

twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro<http://twitter.com/JuanjoHierro>

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator

and Chief Architect

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-------- Original Message --------

FI-WARE 4th Review meeting: Outcome Letter & Review report


Tue, 12 Mar 2013 10:43:05 +0000


<Vanessa.VANHUMBEECK at ec.europa.eu><mailto:Vanessa.VANHUMBEECK at ec.europa.eu>


<jhierro at tid.es><mailto:jhierro at tid.es>


<CNECT-ICT-285248 at ec.europa.eu><mailto:CNECT-ICT-285248 at ec.europa.eu>, <Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu><mailto:Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu>, <mcp at tid.es><mailto:mcp at tid.es>, <subsidies at tid.es><mailto:subsidies at tid.es>, <msli at icfocus.co.uk><mailto:msli at icfocus.co.uk>, <irena.pavlova at isoft-technology.com><mailto:irena.pavlova at isoft-technology.com>, <dgr at whitestein.com><mailto:dgr at whitestein.com>, <rdifrancesco at ymail.com><mailto:rdifrancesco at ymail.com>

Dear Mr Hierro,

Please find attached a scanned copy of the outcome letter and review report of project 285248 FI-WARE.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.

Many thanks in advance

Best regards,

Vanessa Vanhumbeeck
European Commission
Unit E3 – Net Innovation

Tel.: +32 2 296 49 39<tel:%2B32%202%20296%2049%2039>
Email: vanessa.vanhumbeeck at ec.europa.eu<mailto:vanessa.vanhumbeeck at ec.europa.eu>


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     _/          _/_/                     Miguel Carrillo Pacheco

    _/   _/     _/  _/   Telefónica       Distrito Telefónica

   _/ _/_/_/   _/   _/   Investigación y  Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 4

  _/   _/     _/  _/     Desarrollo       Ronda de la Comunicación S/N

 _/          _/_/                         28050 Madrid (Spain)

                                          Tel:  (+34) 91 483 26 77<tel:%28%2B34%29%2091%20483%2026%2077>

                                          e-mail: mcp at tid.es<mailto:mcp at tid.es>

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     _/          _/_/                     Miguel Carrillo Pacheco
    _/   _/     _/  _/   Telefónica       Distrito Telefónica
   _/ _/_/_/   _/   _/   Investigación y  Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 4
  _/   _/     _/  _/     Desarrollo       Ronda de la Comunicación S/N
 _/          _/_/                         28050 Madrid (Spain)
                                          Tel:  (+34) 91 483 26 77

                                          e-mail: mcp at tid.es<mailto:mcp at tid.es>

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