[Fiware-testbed] weekly phc new connection details

Christof Marti mach at zhaw.ch
Mon May 5 15:52:41 CEST 2014

Hi Miguel, Stefano

Because Hangout has a limit of 10 participants we had to use freeconferencecall.com in the beginning, which has support for Finnland, although sound quality is very varying. I did not try all voice conferencing providers and we used freeconferencecall in an other project. In the last 4 months we tried to stay below 10 participants (max 2 connection per partner) several users on one computer and used again hangouts. But this is not an option for WP10.

I guess best option would be an internet conferencing solution with Phone dial in support. Something like GoToMeeting or Adobe Connect.
There are many pure online videoconferencing solutions available (I had not time to test these), but most not for large numbers of people (at least not free).


Am 05.05.2014 um 15:32 schrieb Miguel Carrillo <mcp at tid.es>:

> Stefano,
> There is a practical problem that did not show up until we incorporated the partners from Open Call 2. Powwownow does not seem to cover  Finland. The first time we encountered this problem is when we had a meeting to comment on the review results and the cost cuts by the EC, they seemed unable to join (even using an international number that should work from anywhere). 
> I would suggest to take advantage of the experience in WP13 with our Finnish colleagues and see what they've done. Apparently they use https://www.freeconferencecall.com and lean on google hangouts if needed (possibly not our case)
> Christof, can you please let us know how it is best to deal with conference calls with Finnish partners? I assume that you bumped into the same problem months an months ago ... 
> Best regards,
> Miguel
> El 05/05/2014 15:03, stefano de panfilis escribió:
>> dear all,
>> as you all know, with 30 april nsn, as others, terminated to work in the project.
>> one of the effect is that we need to use other connection details.
>> to follow with what used at coordination level i suggest to use also for wp10 powwownow. the code to access the cal is: 436393.
>> i'd like to take the opportunity to thank nsn for the kind support to the wp10 operations and loci for his continuous support and hard work with us.
>> ciao,
>> stefano
>> -- 
>> Stefano De Panfilis
>> Chief Innovation Officer
>> Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
>> via Riccardo Morandi 32
>> 00148 Roma
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>> cell: +39-335-7542-567
>> skype: depa01
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