[Fiware-tools] **** URGENT TO DO *** On Architecture...

Davide Dalle Carbonare davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
Thu Feb 16 17:23:05 CET 2012

Dear All,
I added a section at the end of the document as proposed by the 
guidelines:  "Main Interaction"

here I'm adding for example the SOAP APIs we are using for the 
components that interact with
FusionForge ...

please try to do the same with your assets, wherever it makes sense.


On 16/02/2012 12:26, Matteo Melideo wrote:
> Dear All,
> I read the contributions on the architecture and I have had the 
> impression that a lot of details are missing and we provided almost 
> the same info of M6.
> I think that it is important to provide some improvements. 
> Specifically, we should try to be (where and when possible) more 
> detailed in the definition of the APIs exposed, in the interactions 
> among the various components internal to Wp9 and in the definition of 
> the interfaces we intend to expose toward third party components (e.g. 
> Testbed or other Chapters).
> Please try to improve this document at the very latest by next 21st of 
> Feb EoB following Juanjo's examples\guidelines (as much as possible):
> 1) 
> https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fi-ware-private/index.php/FIWARE.ArchitectureDescription.IoT.Backend.ThingsAndResourcesManagement#Subscribing_to_creation.2Fupdates.2Fdeletion_of_Entities_.28Things_or_IoT_Resources.29 
> 2) attached mail
> The deadline is too close as I assume you perfectly know which are the 
> interfaces and the other info requested at least for those components 
> to be exposed at M12. Then, it is just a matter of reporting these 
> into the document in the proper format.
> Anyway, what already written is now going to be integrated into the 
> D2.3 Architecture and reviewed also by the other people to received 
> additional comments and suggestions.
> Thanks a lot and regards,
> Matteo
> P.S.
> Please put your priority on this now.
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