[Fiware-tools] Tools demo

Farahbod, Roozbeh roozbeh.farahbod at sap.com
Wed Feb 22 09:33:55 CET 2012

Hi Davide,

RE 2)

For the demo, I will prefer to walk over the How To instructions. Actually
creating the software adaptors and configurations will be lengthy process.
I can also show the plugin in Eclipse if we can do screen sharing.

RE 3)
The wiki page is updated for SoPeCo.


On 21.02.12 16:42, "Davide Dalle Carbonare" <davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it>

>Dear All,
>this message to summarize few points from this morning phone call.
>1) for the tools demonstration, it's completely up to you to decide what
>to present and how to show it to the other partners.
>2) tools installation for the demo
>server side: communicate if they can/cannot be installed on the server
>hosted by Engineering.
>client side: communicate the requirements and info necessary to follow
>the demo.
>3) provide the information on installation and license here:
>Fiware-tools mailing list
>Fiware-tools at lists.fi-ware.eu

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