[Fiware-tools] T9.3 Architecture

Jonischkat, Tim Tim.Jonischkat at paluno.uni-due.de
Wed Jan 18 17:47:47 CET 2012

Dear T9.3 partners,

thank you very much for your contribution to the T9.3 architecture specification.

Find attached a pptx file containing all your individual contributions and a pptx file with my first attempt for a consolidated view (in which I tried to merge duplicate components).

Please do the following:

1)      Check if I didn't miss anything. Please pay also attention to the interfaces, for which I tried to use only one single notation (the semantics are described on a separate slide).

2)      Tell me if everything is OK or send me your corrections.

3)      Please work on the comments I made in red. This is especially essential for missing interface names. In my opinion a simple arrow-dependency does not say which data or functionality is actually used by the client component.

Wish you all a nice evening

Tim Jonischkat
paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology

University of Duisburg-Essen
Gerlingstraße 16
45127 Essen, Germany

T: +49 201 183 4659
F: +49 201 183 4699
E: tim.jonischkat at paluno.uni-due.de<mailto:tim.jonischkat at paluno.uni-due.de>
http://www.paluno.uni-due.de<http://www.paluno.uni-due.de/> /

VAT ID: DE811272995

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