[Fiware-tools] EXTREMELY URGENT *** TO DO BY 25th JULY 2012

Davide Dalle Carbonare davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
Thu Jul 26 00:38:35 CEST 2012


thank you Yosu

On 25/07/2012 16:51, Yosu Gorroñogoitia wrote:
> Ciao Davide,
> done wrt CDE Management and FI App Creation for both first and second
> releases.
> Regards
> Yosu
> On Fri, 2012-07-20 at 12:12 +0200, Davide Dalle Carbonare wrote:
>> Dear Partners,
>> this message is to ask you to contribute on the Roadmap.
>> As requested by the project coordinator, we have to report
>> into the roadmap the features, the rationale, and the references
>> to the user stories per feature. For the existing tools Trace
>> Analyser, Prosa
>> and SoPeCo what is the baseline in terms of functionalities and make
>> clear what are those developed within Fi-WARE.
>> Here is the collaborative document to use
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vBN7Jwnf54NexZeMLNtbtyl3YHj57M8VGRpvelAPksA/edit
>> Please follow the structure of the already inserted items:
>> 1 - complete the list of features, that are available from the already
>> existing tool
>> (base line), or developed in the context of FI-WARE.
>> 2 - For each feature developed in FI-WARE report the links to the
>> related
>> tickets from the Backlog Management tracker.
>> 3 - If you discover that some ticket (user story) is missing, create
>> it.
>> thank you very much for this contribution.
>> We must have everything done by next Wednesday 25th ... we can't miss
>> this date!
>> thank you and
>> Best Regards
>> Davide
>> PS: all next week I'll have a very limited access to the emails, so
>> please, for urgent messages,
>> put also Matteo in copy.
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