[Fiware-tools] Postpone PhC: another option ...

Mattias Wallenberg mattias.wallenberg at ericsson.com
Mon Jun 11 12:00:09 CEST 2012

The ones marked with X work for me.
>From 10 to 11 X
>From 12 to 13 X
>From 15 to 16
>From 16 to 17

From: fiware-tools-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-tools-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of Matteo Melideo
Sent: den 11 juni 2012 10:23
To: WP9_fi-ware
Subject: [Fiware-tools] Postpone PhC: another option ...

Dear All,
as Mattias and Roozbeh cannot attend at the proposed time but they should be present due to their unavailability at the Madrid educational meeting, I strongly suggest the following slots:

>From 10 to 11
>From 12 to 13
>From 15 to 16
>From 16 to 17

Please let me know which is the best time for you putting an "X" by each time slot.

Thanks and regards


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