Dear Davide, Thanks for preparing the slides. I have the following two suggestions: 1) On slide 6 ("Objectives"), I suggest changing the second item to the following (or similar) as the tools are more than just a connection to GEs: To provide a set of tools for the developers that € enable direct and immediate interaction with Generic Enablers € facilitate development of higher quality applications through integrated testing and analysis. 2) On slide 10 ("Technological Baseline"), I suggest updating the description for SoPeCo to either of the following: Software Performance Cockpit (SoPeCo) for the definition, execution, and analysis of performance test scenarios (SAP) (to keep the original tone) Or Software Performance Cockpit (SoPeCo) for systematic performance analysis of FI Apps (SAP) (shorter version) Thanks again. Cheers, Roozbeh On 14.06.12 16:09, "Davide Dalle Carbonare" <davide.dallecarbonare at> wrote: > >Davide
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