[Fiware-tools] How to react to the D2.4 comments

Davide Dalle Carbonare davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
Tue May 15 15:01:03 CEST 2012

Dear Partners,
as discussed during the today conf call, here is the thread to use
for discussing on how to react on the comments on D2.4

FI-WARE Review 2 Report.pdf - pages 22,23

the public document is at

and at the moment there isn't a private copy to work on.

our proposals on how to update the content:

  * update the section with some additional details;
  * report that since GEs are not available yet, it's not possible to
    focus the development support on specific characteristics of GEs;
  * no requests from the UC has been submitted to Tools chapter;
  * include something related to RESTful interfaces for the Second Major
    Release (to start a discussion on this).

please comment and contribute on this point.

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