[Fiware-tools] LAST CALL - Re: Review of WP9 Architecture and Contribution to the Technical Description

Davide Dalle Carbonare davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
Thu Mar 28 10:09:42 CET 2013

Dear partners,
     I've frozen the GDoc version, you can continue to view it.

I start to port it into the private wiki, and I'll ask you to review 
that everything
has been ported correctly.


On 25/03/2013 18:03, Davide Dalle Carbonare wrote:
> Dear partners,
>     due to the fact that there are still some section under editing,
> the very last deadline is tomorrow 26/03 EOB.
> I kindly ask you to take care of all the comments assigned to you, and 
> mark as resolved
> every comment that can be closed.
> Starting from Wednesday 27/03 the GDoc will be frozen and ported to 
> the private wiki.
> Kind Regards,
> Davide
> On 25/03/2013 10:39, Davide Dalle Carbonare wrote:
>> My mistake ...
>>     the missing contribution is not from UDE but from UPM, on the 
>> Catalogue.
>> BR
>> Davide
>> On 25/03/2013 10:36, Davide Dalle Carbonare wrote:
>>> Dear partners,
>>>     at the right moment it seems that contribution/review is missing
>>> from IBM, SAP, UDE.
>>> I kindly ask you to react very fast.
>>> BR
>>> Davide
>>> On 25/03/2013 10:31, Sammodi, Osama wrote:
>>>> Dear Partners,
>>>> I would like to kindly remind you to contribute to the FI-CoDE 
>>>> technical description as stated in the below email.
>>>> Please also consider the comments to your parts in the working 
>>>> Google Doc.
>>>> The deadline for this task was last Friday!
>>>> Thanks and kind regards,
>>>> Osama Sammodi
>>>> --------------------------------
>>>> Paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology
>>>> University of Duisburg-Essen
>>>> Gerlingstraße 16
>>>> 45127 Essen, Germany
>>>> Tel.:  +49 201 183 4657
>>>> Fax:   +49 201 183 4699
>>>> mailto:osama.sammodi at paluno.uni-due.de
>>>> http://www.sse.uni-due.de
>>>> VAT - University Duisburg-Essen DE811272995
>>>> --------------------------------
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: fiware-tools-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-tools-
>>>>> bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of Davide Dalle Carbonare
>>>>> Sent: Dienstag, 12. März 2013 12:04
>>>>> To: fiware-tools at lists.fi-ware.eu
>>>>> Subject: [Fiware-tools] Review of WP9 Architecture
>>>>> Dear partners,
>>>>>      as you know I'm reviewing the Tools Architecture and for a 
>>>>> more coherent
>>>>> publication
>>>>> of our work we've decided to merge what we've delivered for D9.5 
>>>>> that's
>>>>> available here:
>>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FI-
>>>>> CoDE_Technical_Description
>>>>> and the contribution to D2.3
>>>>> https://forge.fi-
>>>>> ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Developer_Community_
>>>>> and_Tools_Architecture
>>>>> the final single document will be contributed to the D2.3 and the 
>>>>> D9.5 will not
>>>>> be updated anymore.
>>>>> I'm doing this review in a private Google Doc in order to better 
>>>>> keep track of
>>>>> the changes.
>>>>> I'll send you soon, directly, a mail asking you to merge and 
>>>>> review your parts
>>>>> in that GDoc.
>>>>> We have to finalize this single document in a couple of weeks.
>>>>> BR
>>>>> Davide.
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