[Fiware-tools] WP9 Live Demo Integration meeting" doodle link + today minutes

Andrea Manieri manieri at eng.it
Tue May 14 11:52:31 CEST 2013

Il 14/05/2013 11:42, Andrea Manieri ha scritto:
> Dear All, as discussed in the today call (*minutes* can be found 
> there: 
> *https://docs.google.com/document/d/18QmpvMbdB3QPocKtLCxgshc9bZHWbaElju3K8dk_xf0/edit*) 
> we foresee the need for having weekly calls and a physical meeting to 
> finalise the demo.
> Please use the doodle (*http://www.doodle.com/ddxvsbsdef2h8b2f*) for 
> providing your preferences (three consecutive days).
> Wrt *location *we have two options: Rome, Engineering premises, and 
> Madrid, Atos premises (Thanks Yosu).
> However, due to the fact that the FiCoDE team si made by three people 
> other than Davide and Pasquale, I would suggest to *have it in Rome 
> *(if all of you agree).
> Best,
> A.

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