[Fiware-tools] FI-CoDE Handbook (D9.2.3, Due M33)- Call for Contribution

Sammodi, Osama osama.sammodi at paluno.uni-due.de
Mon Nov 18 12:04:19 CET 2013

Dear WP9 Members,

This email aims to start the work on the last version of the FI-CoDE Handbook (D9.2.3) which is due M33 (the deadline might be extended to M36, however, this is not confirmed yet!).

We, UDE, are leading this deliverable.

To this end, I would like to kindly ask each partner involved in T9.2 to do the following (of course contributions from the other partners are very welcome!):

1.       Carefully read the last version of the Handbook (i.e., D9.2.2<https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/7/2294/D9.2.2++-++FI-CoDE+Handbook.pdf>),

2.       Carefully read the reviewers comments regarding this deliverable from Review 4 and Review 5 (attached),

3.       Send me your planned contribution to this deliverable,

4.       Send me any suggests you may have for improving this deliverable following the reviewers comments.

The deadline for this is 25.11.2013 (Monday).

Kind regards,
Osama Sammodi
Paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology
University of Duisburg-Essen
Gerlingstraße 16
45127 Essen, Germany

Tel.:  +49 201 183 4657
Fax:   +49 201 183 4699
mailto:osama.sammodi at paluno.uni-due.de

VAT - University Duisburg-Essen DE811272995

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