[Token-all] Change of time schedule for emb

Karen Vega karen.vega at fiware.org
Thu Nov 5 14:46:03 CET 2020

Dear all
Sorry about this the past weeks have been eventfull for us.
As Joris informed Stefano will be soon on the meeting Apologies I couldnt
start it because since he sent the invite as organizer  the ID was created
by him  I couldnt start the meeting with the same ID neither create a new


On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 8:42 AM Sofia Terzi <sterzi at iti.gr> wrote:

> Hi Stefano, we are waiting for the last 10 minutes at the gotomeeting link
> and it says wait for host. Is the EB going to start?
> Thank you,
> Sofia
> *From:* Stefano De Panfilis <stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 4, 2020 1:10 PM
> *To:* Sofia Terzi <sterzi at iti.gr>; token-all at lists.fiware.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Token-all] Change of time schedule for emb
> dear all,
> thank you for your kind availability in moving the eb meetings in the
> afternoon.
> given the request of sofia for me is perfectly fine to have it at 14:30
> cet. it means our friends from spain to have an earlier lunch, but i
> understand this could be acceptable.
> *so starting from tomorrow the eb meeting is starts at 14:30*
> i'm going now to update the calendar invitation.
> ciao,
> stefano
> On Tue, 3 Nov 2020 at 13:40, Sofia Terzi <sterzi at iti.gr> wrote:
> Dear Stefano,
> This is 3 CET I suppose. We would prefer half an hour earlier, at 2.30 CET
> if it is possible
> Thank you,
> Sofia
> *From:* token-all-bounces at lists.fiware.org <
> token-all-bounces at lists.fiware.org> *On Behalf Of *Stefano De Panfilis
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 3, 2020 12:54 PM
> *To:* token-all at lists.fiware.org
> *Subject:* [Token-all] Change of time schedule for emb
> Dear colleagues,
> as some of you already know, Karen, due to familiar reasons, is working
> from Peru since a month now.
> With this email, unless there are critical impediments, I kindly ask you
> to postpone our monthly call to start at 15:00 to allow her to attend not
> from her middle of the night.
> Can we?
> Ciao
> Stefano
> --
> *Stefano De Panfilis*
> Chief Operating Officer
> stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org <charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org>
> www.fiware.org
> Mob: +393357542567
> Skype: depa01
> twitter: depa01
> <https://twitter.com/fiware>
> --
> *Stefano De Panfilis*
> Chief Operating Officer
> stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org <charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org>
> www.fiware.org
> Mob: +393357542567
> Skype: depa01
> twitter: depa01
> <https://twitter.com/fiware>
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Karen Vega
Senior Manager

karen.vega at fiware.org

Linked-In/Karen Vega <https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenvega/>
 "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." H. Jackson
Brown, Jr. American Author

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