[Token-all] corrective actions planning

Stefano De Panfilis stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org
Fri Jul 16 17:54:09 CEST 2021

dear carlo,

thank you very much for sharing your thoughts.
some comments in line

Concerning “WP6: Exploitation, dissemination, governance and legal
> structure of the platform still to be elaborated. The project is nearly
> halfway, but no clear vision has been developed on what results are to be
> exploited and how, or which legal and governance structure is appropriate.
> In particular, the capability of the platform to be sustained, develop and
> scale up without EU funding after the end of the project has not been
> demonstrated so far. Without a strong and well-defined added value offered
> by the platform proposed, and without an effective legal structure,
> sustainability plan and governance model, it is unlikely that the
> dissemination activities may successfully start, reach the expected goals
> and create a wide pan-European community of early adopters.”,
> we like to clarify that these observations are not linked to the topic
> under review. In particular, it seems that it was overlooked that all
> activated described here were planned to be started and had really started
> AFTER the first period, and thus are not in scope of this review.  Thus,
> the observed description may be considered as a weakness of the project
> proposal, but cannot be considered as incorrect implementation requiring
> corrective actions.

yes and no. yes as the work of wp6 started just on 1st jan 2021, no as a
clear view of which assets are exploitable, even if just repeating as
hypothesis what in the doa should have been proposed. we all together
trusted on the late start of wp6, but is true that the ultimate goal, at
least at overall level, should be clear enough at this point.

 Concerning “#4 - Improvement and delivery of D6.1., D6.2, D6.3, D6.4. All
> the activities aimed at the definition of the governance and business model
> for exploiting the value of the TOKEN community shall be urgently
> addressed. In particular, through the due Deliverables, the team is invited
> to elaborate with high priority: A definition of what is to be exploited,
> i.e. the pilot platform for PA’s to develop use cases and pilot their
> solutions, or a fully operational DLT as a Service platform for Public
> Administrations. Related to this the value proposition(s);”
> we observe that this is already a high priority, and a Delivery D6.1 has
> not been delivered. As we had similar concerns that the reviewers, we did
> not submit in March, where we had only less than 3 months to work on it,
> but we decided to postpone until June”. We understand that we now should
> deliver in a way to address already the expressed concerns by October, and
> we agree with this new deadline for D6.1.


> Concerning the deadline for D6.3, is was planned to be: XXX, as thus is it
> infeasible to come up with a this report in October, i.e. more than one
> year earlier than the end of the work related to this Deliverable. We agree
> to give the reviewer an informed progress on the governance and decision
> related to the creation of an entity ensuring the sustainability after the
> project end.


 “An exploitation plan and vision, including approaches through which the
> project results will be sustained, developed, extended (services and
> functions) and scaled up (promotion and recruitment of new users/members);
> a credible business, cost and revenue model that can ensure the longer-term
> sustainability of the platform; the legal structure (profit or non-profit)
> and governance model which will: manage, maintain and exploit the platform
> and its technical evolution; regulate the co-existence of different
> operators and services; establish rules and criteria for other nodes to
> join the platform; ensure the compliance with exi9sting policies and
> regulation at national and international level.
> These tasks should be completed with no further delay, as they also
> constitute a pre-requisite for the success of the dissemination activities
> (WP5) and the engagement of new adopters.


> We agree to work on these items with high priority, even higher than
> planned, but we recall that the end of this activity is Dec 2023 according
> to our plans, so that it does not make sense to ask for accomplishment in
> Oct 2021. The request to deliver the results already in Oct 2021, may be a
> recommendation, but not a request for corrective action.

perhaps this requires further clarification with the po.

To Stefano: Have the partner agreeing on sharing IRP and joint exploitation
> is indeed very hard before the mid of the project, where the value is still
> unclear. But it would be good to clarify this ASAP, and this indeed would
> improve the impact of WP5. For me the recommendation of the reviewer makes
> sense, and should follows, but the results depend on and the project
> partner, and I do not really know whether we promised this to succeed. You
> know this better than me as I arrived later in this project…
> Fi this was not promised, we should formally decline such a corrective
> action, and claim to work with best effort in this direction.
> However, this SHALL be decided BEFORE D6.3 can effectively progress…
> Establishing the context, i.e. knowing for which legal entities we shall
> build a governance model and who as the deciders is a key question to
> address and answer ASAP.

i have to read carefully the doa to understand if we promised something
like that so explicitly.
again this shall be further clarified with the po.


> Similar items for D6.2. and D6.4 but I will leave it to the respective
> delivery manage to explain the situation.
> Regards,
> Carlo
> ___________________________________________
> Carlo Harpes
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> *From:* token-all-bounces at lists.fiware.org <
> token-all-bounces at lists.fiware.org> *On Behalf Of *Stefano De Panfilis
> *Sent:* 15 July 2021 13:09
> *To:* token-all at lists.fiware.org
> *Subject:* [Token-all] corrective actions planning
> dear all,
> please find here attached the result of the review letter and the review
> report (draft).
> as you can see and as i hope already some of you have already spotted,
> there are several actions to implement as the review result was not so
> satisfactory.
> we already discussed the (informal) results during the dedicated ebm last
> 1st july.
> now we shall define a detailed corrective actions plan to address the
> recommendations and than to be followed in the second part of the project.
> since we need to send a formal answer with the plan by 31st july, we have
> to meet immediately. in the following a doodle poll for the next days.
> attendance on the most chosen date is mandatory with a representative from
> each organisation able to commit the organisations on the required changes
> as well as attendance of the wp leaders.
> https://doodle.com/poll/gmq7tiibapaabgh2?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
> thank you for your continuous engagement in token, it is now even more
> needed!
> ciao,
> stefano
> --
> *Stefano De Panfilis*
> Chief Operating Officer
> stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org <charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org>
> www.fiware.org
> Mob: +393357542567
> Skype: depa01
> twitter: depa01
> <https://twitter.com/fiware>

Stefano De Panfilis
Chief Operating Officer
stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org <charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org>
Mob: +393357542567
Skype: depa01
twitter: depa01

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