[Token-all] Important reminder: [Token] On D6.1 structure

Karen Vega karen.vega at fiware.org
Thu Jun 3 23:00:28 CEST 2021

Dear All
As promised  today during our June EBM
leaders are requested to revise and complete the requested information on
the draft doc
Would  it be possible you work on this the next week so that Carlo can fill
in the gaps with your input? During the meeting I think no one else  but
Angeles,WP5 lead on Dissemination indicated she will try to have her
section after the coming week, around 21st June. For for the other WP
leaders  we encourage to check in with Carlo since there were no other
proposed dates to deliver their inputs.

The deliverable is due this end of the month but WP 6 team is aiming to
have it ready some days before so that can be reviewed by Stefano, also to
avoid too much overlapping with the preparation of our Review by the
Commission on June 22nd. In case of doubt on the specific input please
contact Carlo directly.

Thank you all !💪


On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 6:21 AM Carlo Harpes <harpes at itrust.lu> wrote:

> Dear Token partners,
> This is a reminder for contributions on the delivery, as discussed in the
> last plenary. As far I can see, nobody has had the time to contribute.
> In the document,
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kKeSwa59eHIouCgieqruSpxXV6uotZWU3_Dj_E6w78U/edit?usp=sharing
> you find multiple precise indication such as:
> *2.2.1 DLT Architecture*
> WP1 will provide the main technological assets and resources that will be
> embedded in the Value Proposition defined in this WP;
> (to be provided by FBA)
> …
> with work clearly assigned to all of you. Just put a few lines, with links
> to other doc with more info…
> In particular, I asked *fiware* the following:
> not have this in Word( of in Google doc format)
> For personal reason, I had to take a few days off, so that I cannot be on
> the call tomorrow. As we have limited resources, I can only continue my
> task once I have your inputs, and *hope this to be next Monday*.
> So Stefano, please plan for getting this input, and plan to postpone the
> delivery to EU, for the additional time it will take for the WP leader and
> partners to provide this contribution.
> Thanks in advance and have a nice meeting,
> Carlo
> ___________________________________________
> Carlo Harpes
> Managing Director
> *itrust consulting s.à r.l.*
> Office building:
> 55, rue Gabriel Lippmann L-6947 Niederanven
> Phone: +352 2617 6212 (Reception)
> mobile: +352 621  45 19 45
> Headquarter
> 18, Steekaul;  L-6831 Berbourg
> Web:     www.itrust.lu
> mailto:  harpes at itrust.lu
> r.c. lux B123183 – VAT: LU 21534655
> ___________________________________________
> This message is *restricted* and may contain personal data; any
> unauthorized disclosure, use or dissemination, either whole or partial, is
> prohibited.
> If you are not the intended recipient of the message, please notify the
> sender immediately.
> itrust consulting s.à r.l. does not accept *liability* for any errors,
> omissions or even commitment in the contents of this message, except where
> supported by a written agreement with the receiver.
> *From:* Carlo Harpes
> *Sent:* 20 mai 2021 17:40
> *To:* Stefano DE PANFILIS (stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org) <
> stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org>; TOKEN - All <token-all at InfraChain.com>
> *Cc:* Mats BRORSSON <mats.brorsson at uni.lu>; Tom Kettels <
> Tom.Kettels at InfraChain.com>
> *Subject:* RE: [Token] On D6.1 structure
> Dear all,
> We are one week ahead from the next plenary, and we agreed that partners
> should provide their input before this meeting.
> Until now, there has been no content added.
> Please make sure that you are on plan, and
> Stefano,
> please copy the content of Section 2.2.a of the proposal to this document,
> so that I can review it and let me know when done.
> Thanks,
> Carlo
> ___________________________________________
> Carlo Harpes
> Managing Director
> *itrust consulting s.à r.l.*
> Office building:
> 55, rue Gabriel Lippmann L-6947 Niederanven
> Phone: +352 2617 6212 (Reception)
> mobile: +352 621  45 19 45
> Headquarter
> 18, Steekaul;  L-6831 Berbourg
> Web:     www.itrust.lu
> mailto:  harpes at itrust.lu
> r.c. lux B123183 – VAT: LU 21534655
> ___________________________________________
> This message is *restricted* and may contain personal data; any
> unauthorized disclosure, use or dissemination, either whole or partial, is
> prohibited.
> If you are not the intended recipient of the message, please notify the
> sender immediately.
> itrust consulting s.à r.l. does not accept *liability* for any errors,
> omissions or even commitment in the contents of this message, except where
> supported by a written agreement with the receiver.
> *From:* Carlo Harpes
> *Sent:* 06 mai 2021 21:15
> *To:* Stefano DE PANFILIS (stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org) <
> stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org>
> *Cc:* 'Mats BRORSSON' <mats.brorsson at uni.lu>; Tom Kettels <
> Tom.Kettels at InfraChain.com>; TOKEN - All <token-all at InfraChain.com>
> *Subject:* [Token] On D6.1 structure
> Dear Stefano,
> Please have a look on the first draft. And then inform other.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kKeSwa59eHIouCgieqruSpxXV6uotZWU3_Dj_E6w78U/edit?usp=sharing
> I feel it as a nightmare to edit documents on this platform. With Heading
> not even numbering automatically, I feel back in stone edge. Do you offer
> some assistance to formatting as a compensation for the limited functions
> of the selected platform?
> I never felt that Microsoft Office is so great a tool than today. Sorry
> this spontaneous feedback.
> At least could you copy the content of Section 2.2.a (see where inside the
> doc) of the proposal in adequate format to this document?
> Thanks in advance,
> Carlo
> ___________________________________________
> Carlo Harpes
> Managing Director
> *itrust consulting s.à r.l.*
> Office building:
> 55, rue Gabriel Lippmann L-6947 Niederanven
> Phone: +352 2617 6212 (Reception)
> mobile: +352 621  45 19 45
> Headquarter
> 18, Steekaul;  L-6831 Berbourg
> Web:     www.itrust.lu
> mailto:  harpes at itrust.lu
> r.c. lux B123183 – VAT: LU 21534655
> ___________________________________________
> This message is *restricted* and may contain personal data; any
> unauthorized disclosure, use or dissemination, either whole or partial, is
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Karen Vega
Senior Manager

karen.vega at fiware.org

Linked-In/Karen Vega <https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenvega/>
 "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." H. Jackson
Brown, Jr. American Author

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