[Token-all] Token: guidelines to adjust deliverables

Carlo Harpes harpes at itrust.lu
Tue Oct 5 19:57:52 CEST 2021

Dear Joris and other PUC leaders,

Thanks for the confcall today. Here some illustrations for the evaluation of the Governance KPI:
I create a review template (of 39 pages). This document should be filled by a person with audit skills, after reviewing/interviewing managers in charges of the Blockchain project.
He then fills in for each criterion whether the criteria is applied or not, implemented or not, and formulates actions in case it is not yet implemented but applicable.

To get the KPI, you count the number of recommendations (of a given importance level).

This illustrates that the approach for one KPI needs a few days to be achieved.

For others, like GDPR, NIS, I provided the criteria in Excel, but I did not yet general the Word template report, as I like to be sure that it will really be used; maybe based on the experience of a first application, whether you can follow this approach.

As GDPR is very important, I create today the template. You can find it in Task 1.6:

As blockchain Governance and GDRP seem very important, I recommend you first to look at these PKI, give me feedback, before addressing NIS...


Carlo Harpes
Managing Director
itrust consulting s.à r.l.

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From: Joris Finck (imec) <Joris.Finck at imec.be>
Sent: 05 October 2021 16:48
To: token-all at lists.fiware.org; token-wp2 at lists.fiware.org; stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org; karen.vega at fiware.org; rogotis.s at gmail.com; dimitris_mylonas <dimitris_mylonas at iti.gr>; Tom Kettels <Tom.Kettels at InfraChain.com>; diegocagigas4 at gmail.com; Fabrice Croiseaux <Fabrice.Croiseaux at Intech.lu>; Koen Ongena (imec) <Koen.Ongena at imec.be>; Ilja Cooreman (imec) <Ilja.Cooreman at imec.be>; Carlo Harpes <harpes at itrust.lu>; Clifton, Judith Catherine <judith.clifton at unican.es>; luis <luis at tlmat.unican.es>; thanoskapsalis at iti.gr; Lynda O'Mahony <lynda.omahony at fundingbox.com>
Subject: RE: Token: guidelines to adjust deliverables

Dear PUC leaders,

Please find the guidelines that we discussed here<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1m3xvJTgsfmrt03oRT1nBPPUIRSH-ZCJl/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118124170903387044531&rtpof=true&sd=true>. Notes and action points here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/18YOsQUIUAHsozcNKdCKEU0Y4CdpNVPfd/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118124170903387044531&rtpof=true&sd=true>.

Good luck. Looking forward to seeing the result.

Kind regards,

Project Leader
M +32 476 85 89 85
joris.finck at imec.be<mailto:joris.finck at imec.be>  I  www.imec-int.com<http://www.imec-int.com/>  I  LinkedIn imec<https://www.linkedin.com/company/imec/>
De Krook  I  Miriam Makebaplein 1 - 4th floor  I  9000 Ghent  I  Belgium
imec e-mail disclaimer<http://www.imec-int.com/en/email-disclaimer>


-----Original Appointment-----
From: Joris Finck (imec)
Sent: Friday, October 1, 2021 11:03 AM
To: Joris Finck (imec); token-all at lists.fiware.org<mailto:token-all at lists.fiware.org>; token-wp2 at lists.fiware.org<mailto:token-wp2 at lists.fiware.org>; Clifton, Judith Catherine; Luis Muñoz; thanoskapsalis at iti.gr<mailto:thanoskapsalis at iti.gr>; Lynda O'Mahony
Cc: stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org<mailto:stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org>; karen.vega at fiware.org<mailto:karen.vega at fiware.org>; rogotis.s at gmail.com<mailto:rogotis.s at gmail.com>; dimitris_mylonas; Tom Kettels; diegocagigas4 at gmail.com<mailto:diegocagigas4 at gmail.com>; Fabrice Croiseaux; Koen Ongena (imec); Ilja Cooreman (imec); Carlo Harpes
Subject: Token: guidelines to adjust deliverables
When: Tuesday, October 5, 2021 3:15 PM-4:00 PM (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris.
Where: Microsoft Teams Meeting

Dear PUC leaders,

We organise a short meeting to share how we propose to adjust the deliverables in WP2 & WP4. as promised in our observation letter<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xBmSbyKSYhuZCRsm4f3NvaUiKyfcjwLzDOttLa01Z4o/edit?usp=sharing> to EC.

Remember, the deadline for the this submission is mid october.


Project Leader
M +32 476 85 89 85
joris.finck at imec.be<mailto:joris.finck at imec.be>  I  www.imec-int.com<http://www.imec-int.com/>  I  LinkedIn imec<https://www.linkedin.com/company/imec/>
De Krook  I  Miriam Makebaplein 1 - 4th floor  I  9000 Ghent  I  Belgium
imec e-mail disclaimer<http://www.imec-int.com/en/email-disclaimer>


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