[Token-all] New TOKEN person from SnT/Infrachain

Mats BRORSSON mats.brorsson at uni.lu
Thu Apr 7 17:05:28 CEST 2022

Dear all,

Please replace all instances of my name and email address in TOKEN email lists and access to Drive with Mr Beltran Fiz (beltran.fiz at uni.lu<mailto:beltran.fiz at uni.lu>). I am no longer involved in TOKEN and Beltran will drive it from our perspective. You can also remove any access to Robert Norvill as he is no longer working at SnT/Uni.lu.

Kind regards,

Mats Brorsson
Research Scientist
SnT - Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust
29, avenue John F. Kennedy
L-1855 Luxembourg Kirchberg
T +352 661 153 868 | mats.brorsson at uni.lu<mailto:mats.brorsson at uni.lu>
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