[Token-all] first version of KPIs

Fernandez Gutierrez, Marcos marcos.fernandez at unican.es
Tue May 24 14:13:37 CEST 2022

Dear Token Team, in particular, the PUC owners 1, 2 and 4:

This is gentle reminder the internal deadline agreed for you to input the first version (provisional) of the KPIs is 31 May.

PUC 3 has completed most of the KPIs and can be used as an example should this be helpful.

The template for the IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT is here:

D4.3-Working Progress.docx<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m7IW21DsbvYC9BoXZPa4Pe_M0iiMjHAS/edit#heading=h.j4dkmy9r75c2>
Transformative impact of disruptive technologies\u000Bin public services www.token-project.eu D4.3: Impact Assessment Report [WORK IN PROGRESS. PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE] Project full title Transformative impact of disruptive technologies in public services Contract No. 870603 Strate...

Please introduce directly the information in the pages of the document created for each PUC which are numbered.

We will contact you individually to set up a call during June to discuss your KPIs so we can analyse them.

Best wishes

UC team

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